The total energy, decomposed energy contributions, eigenenergies,
radial wave functions, and charge density of atoms calculated by
the density functional theory (DFT) to the local density
approximation (LDA) and a finite element method (FEM)
with double extended precision (80 bit).
The LDA functional used is a form given by Vosko, Wilk, and Nusair (VWN)
(S.H. Vosko, L. Wilk, and M. Nusair, Can. J. Phys. 58, 1200 (1980);
S.H. Vosko and L. Wilk, Phys. Rev. B 22, 3812 (1980)).
It was assumed that the charge distribution is spherical, and
the spin polarization was not taken into account.
The electric configuration of each atom can be found in the input file.
The results (Z=1 to 92) given here are in good agrement with
NIST Database.
It is estimated based on the virial theorem
(J.F.Janak, Phy. Rev. B 9, 3985 (1974)) that the absolute error
in the total energy is less than
The details of calculations can be found at
Comp. Phys. Comm. 182, 1245 (2011).