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Topics Author Replies Views Last Modified
From AdministratorTaisuke Ozaki013722021/04/07 21:20
by Taisuke Ozaki
Core-Hole Pseudo Cu 2pLuca Sementa092025/03/25 01:59
by Luca Sementa
How to compute the retarded green function with the non-orthogonal-basis HamiltonianKieran1412025/03/11 22:13
by T. Ozaki
OpenMX installation (library in cluster machine)Amal8632025/03/03 19:39
by Amal
Install openMX3.9 on Ubuntu24Roya1352025/03/03 13:54
by Naoya Yamaguchi
How to use BoltzTrap2 interface with OpenMx Dr Santu1452025/02/28 19:44
by Masanobu Miyata
Help with Spin-Resolved Band Structure in Non-Collinear CaseMd Aktar Hossain1422025/02/27 21:54
by Naoya Yamaguchi
order on oprbitals in the density matrixLokamani1322025/02/18 13:54
by Lokamani
Problem with Pseudopotential Creation for F Atom containing 1s orbital in ADPACKEnomoto4632025/02/10 08:58
by Enomoto
How to use Mulliken charging data?dena2392025/02/09 02:14
by dena
Glycine optimizationdena8912025/02/07 14:44
by dena
Calculation of XPS absolute BE on surface slabHarry4872025/02/06 17:58
by Harry
OpenMX4Kelvin A23682025/02/04 15:15
by W. X. Ji
Problem in optimizing the absorption atefeh81022025/02/03 16:48
by atefeh
How to use?؛Automatic determination of the cell size؛dena2402025/02/03 15:39
by dena
Clarification on PAO Basis Suffixes, Range of Basis Set Choices, and Recommendations for Magnetic Exshiyc1952025/01/30 21:39
by T. Ozaki
Unreasonable exchange coupling parameters (Jij) for bcc Fe with increasing Kgrids obtained by jxGuangzong Xing2592025/01/30 21:27
by T. Ozaki
Setting time period in Nose-Hoover thermostat method during MD Vipin Kumar1422025/01/30 21:24
by T. Ozaki
Openmx3.9 installation error with intel oneapi 2025 versionSANTU BAIDYA2482025/01/30 15:05
Problem in installation openmx 3.9 EOM HUIYONG2462025/01/29 20:04
MPI problemMd Aktar Hossain71222025/01/23 17:34
by Md Aktar Hossain
Can calculations in OpenMX be performed in the water phase?atefeh0442025/01/19 05:01
by atefeh
Reason for changing the structure after runatefeh0362025/01/19 04:59
by atefeh
Unfolding in openmxMd Aktar Hossain1972025/01/18 17:26
by Naoya Yamaguchi
optical in negative energy rangeDebo Hao61212025/01/07 16:24
by Debo Hao
Mulliken population analysis_overlap matrix in openmxAmina31402024/12/31 21:42
by Naoya Yamaguchi
Installation problem in Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTSMd Aktar Hoosain61442024/12/29 00:42
by Md Aktar Hoosain
MD convergence bilayerLillian81462024/12/17 20:38
by Lillian
Results of Mulliken populations from different of EigenvalueSolver, Band and Cluster.Soichiro Kikuchi131532024/12/14 13:54
by Naoya Yamaguchi
How to enhance the symmetry constraints?shiyc61372024/12/13 20:20
by shiyc
kSpin(GridCalc) example gives incorrect spin textureSoichiro Kikuchi61682024/11/29 01:16
by Soichiro Kikuchi
energy matrix densityCarolina Gómez 0722024/11/28 21:48
by Carolina Gómez
Pseudopotential for Rare earth element, Yb.LINGZHI ZHANG0972024/11/28 11:48
cross-density of state in energyCarolina Gómez 0992024/11/14 04:25
by Carolina Gómez
OpenMX parallelizationJose11222024/11/13 19:08
by Naoya Yamaguchi
Extract the spin data for input Wannier90Jack Turner11252024/11/12 12:58
by Naoya Yamaguchi
Electric polarization of BiFeO3 (procedure in obtaining net polarization)Amran Yatmeidhy51502024/11/01 21:56
by Naoya Yamaguchi
How to contribute a pseudopotential to the database?Malone0972024/10/30 00:01
by Malone
Memory allocation and optimal input settings when running calculations for large systemsBeniam1992024/10/29 23:42
by Beniam
Make error OpenMX3.9.9 on Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver , have gcc , gfortran, intel-MKLyanyi132162024/10/29 10:37
by yanyi
Is it possible for the "2s" energy level to be higher than "3s" energy level?LZX0852024/10/21 15:05
by LZX
How can I get the orbital information?LZX01032024/10/18 16:01
by LZX
Decoding Connectivity mapAK01102024/10/17 10:53
by AK
How to get total energy from Hamiltonian?LZQ01132024/10/15 17:53
by LZQ
Compile error OpenMX3.9.9 on intel core i5, Debian 12 with gcc , gfortran, intel-MKL Tsutomu Hoshino21412024/10/05 13:58
by Tsutomu Hoshino
Ballistic transport calculationLaura01122024/10/04 16:43
by Laura
error install openmx3.9 ubuntu 20.4atefeh11812024/10/03 17:43
by Tsutomu Hoshino
xas calculationtakahisa ishiyama01152024/10/03 09:41
by takahisa ishiyama
ab initio molecular dynamics simulation for structural stabilityVipin Kumar01212024/09/24 12:07
by Vipin Kumar
Eu Pseudopotential ProblemOndrej Faiman11602024/09/17 09:53
by Hiroyuki Kawai

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