The density of states (DOS) is calculated by the following two steps:
(1) SCF calculation
Let us illustrate the calculation of DOS using the carbon diamond. In a file 'Cdia.dat' in the directory 'work', the keywords for the DOS calculation are set to
Dos.fileout on Dos.Erange -25.0 20.0 Dos.Kgrid 12 12 12In the specification of the keyword 'Dos.Erange', the first and second values are the lower and upper bounds of the energy range (eV) for the DOS calculation, respectively, where the origin (0.0) of energy corresponds to the chemical potential. Also, in the specification of the keyword 'Dos.Kgrid', a set of numbers (n1,n2,n3) is the number of grids to discretize the first Brillouin zone in the k-space, which is used in the DOS calculation. Then, we execute OpenMX by:
% ./openmx Cdia.datWhen the execution is completed normally, then you can find files, 'cdia.Dos.val' and 'cdia.Dos.vec' in the directory 'work'. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors are stored in the files 'cdia.Dos.val' and 'cdia.Dos.vec' in a text and binary forms, respectively. The DOS calculation is supported even for the O() calculation, while Gaussian broadening methods is employed in this case.
(2) Calculation of the DOS
Let us compile a program package for calculating DOS. Move the directory, 'source', and then compile as follows:
% make DosMainWhen the compile is completed normally, then you can find an executable file 'DosMain' in the directory 'source'. Please copy the file 'DosMain' to the directory 'work', and then move the directory 'work'. You can calculate DOS and projected DOS (PDOS) using the program, DosMain, from two files 'cdia.Dos.val' and 'cdia.Dos.vec' as:
% ./DosMain cdia.Dos.val cdia.Dos.vecThen, you are interactively asked from the program as follow:
% ./DosMain cdia.Dos.val cdia.Dos.vec Max of Spe_Total_CNO = 8 1 1 101 102 103 101 102 103 <cdia.Dos.val> <cdia> Which method do you use?, Tetrahedron(1), Gaussian Broadeninig(2) 1 Do you want Dos(1) or PDos(2)? 2 Number of atoms=2 Which atoms for PDOS : (1,...,2), ex 1 2 1 pdos_n=1 1 <Spectra_Tetrahedron> start Spe_Num_Relation 0 0 1 Spe_Num_Relation 0 1 1 Spe_Num_Relation 0 2 101 Spe_Num_Relation 0 3 102 Spe_Num_Relation 0 4 103 Spe_Num_Relation 0 5 101 Spe_Num_Relation 0 6 102 Spe_Num_Relation 0 7 103 make cdia.PDOS.Tetrahedron.atom1.s1 make cdia.PDOS.Tetrahedron.atom1.p1 make cdia.PDOS.Tetrahedron.atom1.p2 make cdia.PDOS.Tetrahedron.atom1.p3 make cdia.PDOS.Tetrahedron.atom1The tetrahedron [44] and Gaussian broadening methods for evaluating DOS are available. Also, you can select DOS or PDOS. When you select the calculation of PDOS, then please select atoms for evaluating PDOS. In this case, each DOS projected orbitals (s, px (p1), py (p2), pz (p3),..) in selected atoms are output in each file. In these files, the first and second columns are energy in eV and DOS (eV) or PDOS (eV), and the third column is the integrated DOS or PDOS. If spin-polarized calculations using 'LSDA-CA', 'LSDA-PW', or 'GGA-PBE' is employed in the SCF calculation, the second and third columns in these files correspond to DOS or PDOS for up and down spins, and the fourth and fifth columns are the corresponding integrated values. If you select the Gaussian broadening method, you are requested to set a parameter, value of Gaussian, a (eV), which determines the width of Gaussian defined by . Figure 13 shows the DOS and PDOS of carbon diamond.