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Silver bulk modulus
Date: 2010/03/15 03:43
Name: B.Martins   <>

Dear OpenMX users,

I am having some troubles with the bulk modulus calculation for Silver. I made a sequence of 9 lattice parameters and found the following total energies:

a(ANG) Et(Hartree)

3.086 -442.895
3.586 -442.794
3.786 -445.009
4.086 -445.125
4.096 -445.126
4.286 -445.133
5.086 -445.019
5.586 -444.940
6.086 -444.880

The curve has the right shape but the minimum is around 4.2 ang and not 4.09 which is the right value. I am sending one of the input files bellow.

# SCF calculation of a graphite sheet by the LDA
# and the band method

# File Name
System.CurrrentDirectory ./ # default=./
System.Name silver_bulk_8.0
level.of.stdout 1 # default=1 (1-3)
level.of.fileout 1 # default=1 (0-2)

# Definition of Atomic Species

Species.Number 1
Ag Ag8.0-s1p1d1 Ag_CA

# Atoms

Atoms.Number 4
Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates.Unit FRAC # Ang|AU
<Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates # Unit=Ang.
1 Ag 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 8.5 8.5
2 Ag 0.000000 0.500000 0.500000 8.5 8.5
3 Ag 0.500000 0.000000 0.500000 8.5 8.5
4 Ag 0.500000 0.500000 0.000000 8.5 8.5

Atoms.UnitVectors.Unit Ang # Ang|AU
<Atoms.UnitVectors # unit=Ang.
4.08570000000000 0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000
0.00000000000000 4.08570000000000 0.00000000000000
0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000 4.08570000000000

# SCF or Electronic System

scf.SpinPolarization Off # On|Off|NC
scf.partialCoreCorrection Off # On|Off
scf.ElectronicTemperature 300.0 # default=300 (K)
scf.energycutoff 150.0 # default=150 (Ry)
scf.maxIter 500 # default=40
scf.EigenvalueSolver Band # DC|GDC|Cluster|Band
scf.Kgrid 8 8 8 # means 4x4x4
scf.Mixing.Type Rmm-Diisk # Simple|Rmm-Diis|Gr-Pulay|Kerker|Rmm-Diisk
scf.Init.Mixing.Weight 0.300 # default=0.30
scf.Min.Mixing.Weight 0.001 # default=0.001
scf.Max.Mixing.Weight 0.400 # default=0.40
scf.Mixing.History 7 # default=5
scf.Mixing.StartPulay 20 # default=6
scf.Mixing.EveryPulay 6 # default=6
scf.criterion 1.0e-6 # default=1.0e-6 (Hartree)
scf.lapack.dste dstevx # dstevx|dstedc|dstegr,default=dstevx
scf.Ngrid 32 32 32
scf.fixed.grid 0.0 0.0 0.0
# 1D FFT

1DFFT.NumGridK 900 # default=900
1DFFT.NumGridR 900 # default=900
1DFFT.EnergyCutoff 3600.0 # default=3600 (Ry)

# Orbital Optimization

orbitalOpt.Method Off # Off|Unrestricted|Restricted
orbitalOpt.InitCoes Free # Symmetrical|Free
orbitalOpt.initPrefactor 0.1 # default=0.1
orbitalOpt.scf.maxIter 12 # default=12
orbitalOpt.MD.maxIter 2 # default=5
orbitalOpt.per.MDIter 1000000 # default=1000000
orbitalOpt.criterion 1.0e-4 # default=1.0e-4 (Hartree/borh)^2

# output of contracted orbitals

CntOrb.fileout off # on|off, default=off
Num.CntOrb.Atoms 1 # default=1

# SCF Order-N

orderN.HoppingRanges 5.0 # default=5.0 (Ang)
orderN.NumHoppings 2 # default=2

# MD or Geometry Optimization

MD.Type Nomd # Nomd|Opt|NVE|NVT_VS|NVT_NH
MD.maxIter 1 # default=1
MD.TimeStep 0.5 # default=0.5 (fs)
MD.Opt.criterion 1.0e-4 # default=1.0e-4 (Hartree/bohr)

# MO output

MO.fileout on # on|off
num.HOMOs 1 # default=1
num.LUMOs 1 # default=1
MO.Nkpoint 1 # default=1
0.0 0.0 0.0

# DOS and PDOS

Dos.fileout on # on|off, default=off
Dos.Erange -20.0 20.0 # default = -20 20
Dos.Kgrid 10 10 5 # default = Kgrid1 Kgrid2 Kgrid3

#HS.Fileout on

I tried this in more than one machine and with different compilers to eliminate any compilation problems but the result was always the same. Does anyone had this kind of problem?


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