Re: problem with parallel running ( No.1 ) |
- Date: 2011/09/29 19:22
- Name: David
- Solved the problem. MKL_PATH and LD_LIB_PATH are very important.
Re: problem with parallel running ( No.2 ) |
- Date: 2011/09/29 20:56
- Name: T.Ozaki
- Hi,
I am wondering how you specified the number of MPI processes per each node for the parallel calculation in the hybrid mode. The proper specification is also important for efficiency of the hybrid parallelization.
Re: problem with parallel running ( No.3 ) |
- Date: 2012/03/17 17:29
- Name: Johny Tang <>
- Dear Prof. Dr. T.Ozaki,
I have a cluster containing more than 64 nodes and 8 cores each node. How to mpirun the job? I compiled the openms3.6 with following options: mpicc = /u1/local/mvapich1-icc/bin/mpicc CC = $(mpicc) -openmp -O3 -I/usr/include -I/u1/local/include LIB = -L/u1/local/fftw322/lib -lfftw3 -L/u1/local/icc11/mkl/lib/em64t -llapack -lblas
just several warning information emerged. autoruntest for OpenMP/MPI parallel running is OK on 1 nodes with 8 cores. But when automatic running test with large-scale systems with OpeneMp/MPI on 16 nodes (total 128 cores), it is very slow compare the reference test-results.
note: Our cluster jobs controling via pbs.