Re: Numerical error of force and total energy by the Gauss-Legendre quadrature in Total_Energy.c ( No.1 ) |
- Date: 2012/12/28 13:37
- Name: A. M. Ito
- The sample code of the above modification is shown here.
The "AITUNE" means my modified point.
--openmx_comment.h, line 51------------------------------------------
//AITUNE//#define Exc0_GL_Mesh2 48 /* # of grids in a Gauss-Legendre quadrature */ #define Exc0_GL_Mesh2 24 /* AITUNE: Gauss-Legendre quadrature range of [0,2*PI) is splitted in [0,PI) and [0,-PI) */
--openmx_comment.h, line 1614------------------------------------------
/**************************************************** calculation of Exc^(0) and its contribution to forces on the fine mesh ****************************************************/
/* get Nthrds0 */ #pragma omp parallel shared(Nthrds0) { Nthrds0 = omp_get_num_threads(); }
/* allocation of arrays */ My_sumr = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*Nthrds0); My_sumrx = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*Nthrds0); My_sumry = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*Nthrds0); My_sumrz = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*Nthrds0);
/* start calc. */
rs = 0.0;
ts = 0.0; te = PI; St = te + ts; Dt = te - ts;
ps = 0.0; //AITUNE// pe = 2.0*PI; pe = PI; /* AITUNE: Gauss-Legendre quadrature range of [0,2*PI) is splitted in [0,PI) and [0,-PI). */ /* This modification prevents the numerical error in force(8) which is caused by the */ /* integration for an asymmetric range of "phi" using Gauss-Legendre quadrature. */
Sp = pe + ps; Dp = pe - ps;
sum = 0.0;
for (Mc_AN=1; Mc_AN<=Matomnum; Mc_AN++){
Gc_AN = M2G[Mc_AN]; Cwan = WhatSpecies[Gc_AN]; re = Spe_Atom_Cut1[Cwan]; Sr = re + rs; Dr = re - rs;
for (Nloop=0; Nloop<Nthrds0; Nloop++){ My_sumr[Nloop] = 0.0; My_sumrx[Nloop] = 0.0; My_sumry[Nloop] = 0.0; My_sumrz[Nloop] = 0.0; }
#pragma omp parallel shared(My_sumr,My_sumrx,My_sumry,My_sumrz,Dr,Sr,CoarseGL_Abscissae,CoarseGL_Weight,Dt,St,Exc0_GL_Abscissae1,Dp,Sp,Exc0_GL_Abscissae2,Gxyz,Gc_AN,FNAN,natn,ncn,WhatSpecies,atv,F_Vxc_flag,Cwan,Exc0_GL_Weight2,Exc0_GL_Weight1,PCC_switch) private(OMPID,Nthrds,Nprocs,ir,r,sumt,sumtx,sumty,sumtz,it,theta,sit,cot,sump,sumpx,sumpy,sumpz,ip,phi,x0,y0,z0,h_AN,Gh_AN,Rn,Hwan,x1,y1,z1,dx,dy,dz,r1,den,den0,gden0,dx1,dy1,dz1,exc0,vxc0) {
/* get info. on OpenMP */
OMPID = omp_get_thread_num(); Nthrds = omp_get_num_threads(); Nprocs = omp_get_num_procs();
for (ir=(OMPID*CoarseGL_Mesh/Nthrds); ir<((OMPID+1)*CoarseGL_Mesh/Nthrds); ir++){
r = 0.50*(Dr*CoarseGL_Abscissae[ir] + Sr); sumt = 0.0; sumtx = 0.0; sumty = 0.0; sumtz = 0.0;
for (it=0; it<Exc0_GL_Mesh1; it++){
theta = 0.50*(Dt*Exc0_GL_Abscissae1[it] + St); sit = sin(theta); cot = cos(theta); sump = 0.0; sumpx = 0.0; sumpy = 0.0; sumpz = 0.0;
for (ip=0; ip<Exc0_GL_Mesh2; ip++){
phi = 0.50*(Dp*Exc0_GL_Abscissae2[ip] + Sp); x0 = r*sit*cos(phi) + Gxyz[Gc_AN][1]; y0 = r*sit*sin(phi) + Gxyz[Gc_AN][2]; z0 = r*cot + Gxyz[Gc_AN][3];
/* calculate rho_atom + rho_pcc */
den = 0.0; for (h_AN=0; h_AN<=FNAN[Gc_AN]; h_AN++){ Gh_AN = natn[Gc_AN][h_AN]; Rn = ncn[Gc_AN][h_AN]; Hwan = WhatSpecies[Gh_AN];
x1 = Gxyz[Gh_AN][1] + atv[Rn][1]; y1 = Gxyz[Gh_AN][2] + atv[Rn][2]; z1 = Gxyz[Gh_AN][3] + atv[Rn][3]; dx = x1 - x0; dy = y1 - y0; dz = z1 - z0; r1 = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz);
/* calculate density */
den += ( AtomicDenF(Hwan,r1) + (double)PCC_switch*AtomicPCCF(Hwan,r1) )*F_Vxc_flag; if (h_AN==0) den0 = den;
/* calculate gradient of density */
if (h_AN==0){ gden0 = ( Dr_AtomicDenF(Cwan,r1) + (double)PCC_switch*Dr_AtomicPCCF(Cwan,r1) )*F_Vxc_flag;
dx1 = gden0/r1*dx; dy1 = gden0/r1*dy; dz1 = gden0/r1*dz; } }
/* calculate the CA-LDA exchange-correlation energy density */ exc0 = XC_Ceperly_Alder(den,0);
/* calculate the CA-LDA exchange-correlation potential */ vxc0 = XC_Ceperly_Alder(den,1);
/* phi for Gauss-Legendre quadrature */ sump += Exc0_GL_Weight2[ip]*den0*exc0; sumpx += Exc0_GL_Weight2[ip]*vxc0*dx1; sumpy += Exc0_GL_Weight2[ip]*vxc0*dy1; sumpz += Exc0_GL_Weight2[ip]*vxc0*dz1;
} /* ip */
//AITUNE/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The ip-loop is copied to split the integration range of phi. // // The difference of this second loop from the above one is only // // that "phi" is changed into "-phi". The others are just copy. // for (ip=0; ip<Exc0_GL_Mesh2; ip++){
phi = - 0.50*(Dp*Exc0_GL_Abscissae2[ip] + Sp); //AITUNE: different in sign // x0 = r*sit*cos(phi) + Gxyz[Gc_AN][1]; y0 = r*sit*sin(phi) + Gxyz[Gc_AN][2]; z0 = r*cot + Gxyz[Gc_AN][3];
/* calculate rho_atom + rho_pcc */
den = 0.0; for (h_AN=0; h_AN<=FNAN[Gc_AN]; h_AN++){ Gh_AN = natn[Gc_AN][h_AN]; Rn = ncn[Gc_AN][h_AN]; Hwan = WhatSpecies[Gh_AN];
x1 = Gxyz[Gh_AN][1] + atv[Rn][1]; y1 = Gxyz[Gh_AN][2] + atv[Rn][2]; z1 = Gxyz[Gh_AN][3] + atv[Rn][3]; dx = x1 - x0; dy = y1 - y0; dz = z1 - z0; r1 = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz);
/* calculate density */
den += ( AtomicDenF(Hwan,r1) + (double)PCC_switch*AtomicPCCF(Hwan,r1) )*F_Vxc_flag; if (h_AN==0) den0 = den;
/* calculate gradient of density */
if (h_AN==0){ gden0 = ( Dr_AtomicDenF(Cwan,r1) + (double)PCC_switch*Dr_AtomicPCCF(Cwan,r1) )*F_Vxc_flag;
dx1 = gden0/r1*dx; dy1 = gden0/r1*dy; dz1 = gden0/r1*dz; } }
/* calculate the CA-LDA exchange-correlation energy density */ exc0 = XC_Ceperly_Alder(den,0);
/* calculate the CA-LDA exchange-correlation potential */ vxc0 = XC_Ceperly_Alder(den,1);
/* phi for Gauss-Legendre quadrature */ sump += Exc0_GL_Weight2[ip]*den0*exc0; sumpx += Exc0_GL_Weight2[ip]*vxc0*dx1; sumpy += Exc0_GL_Weight2[ip]*vxc0*dy1; sumpz += Exc0_GL_Weight2[ip]*vxc0*dz1;
} /* ip */ ////////////////////////////////////AITUNE-fin//
/* theta for Gauss-Legendre quadrature */ sumt += 0.5*Dp*sump*sit*Exc0_GL_Weight1[it]; sumtx += 0.5*Dp*sumpx*sit*Exc0_GL_Weight1[it]; sumty += 0.5*Dp*sumpy*sit*Exc0_GL_Weight1[it]; sumtz += 0.5*Dp*sumpz*sit*Exc0_GL_Weight1[it];
} /* it */
/* r for Gauss-Legendre quadrature */ My_sumr[OMPID] += 0.5*Dt*sumt*r*r*CoarseGL_Weight[ir]; My_sumrx[OMPID] += 0.5*Dt*sumtx*r*r*CoarseGL_Weight[ir]; My_sumry[OMPID] += 0.5*Dt*sumty*r*r*CoarseGL_Weight[ir]; My_sumrz[OMPID] += 0.5*Dt*sumtz*r*r*CoarseGL_Weight[ir];
} /* ir */ } /* #pragma omp */
sumr = 0.0; for (Nloop=0; Nloop<Nthrds0; Nloop++){ sumr += My_sumr[Nloop]; }
sum += 0.5*Dr*sumr;
/* add force */
sumrx = 0.0; sumry = 0.0; sumrz = 0.0; for (Nloop=0; Nloop<Nthrds0; Nloop++){ sumrx += My_sumrx[Nloop]; sumry += My_sumry[Nloop]; sumrz += My_sumrz[Nloop]; }
if (2<=level_stdout){ printf("<Total_Ene> force(8) myid=%2d Mc_AN=%2d Gc_AN=%2d %15.12f %15.12f %15.12f\n", myid,Mc_AN,Gc_AN, 0.5*Dr*sumrx, 0.5*Dr*sumry, 0.5*Dr*sumrz);fflush(stdout); }
Gxyz[Gc_AN][17] += 0.5*Dr*sumrx; Gxyz[Gc_AN][18] += 0.5*Dr*sumry; Gxyz[Gc_AN][19] += 0.5*Dr*sumrz;
} /* Mc_AN */
/* add Exc^0 calculated on the fine mesh to My_EXC */
Re: Numerical error of force and total energy by the Gauss-Legendre quadrature in Total_Energy.c ( No.2 ) |
- Date: 2012/12/28 13:41
- Name: A. M. Ito
- Thank you very much for your reading.
Please have a happy new year.
Best reagrds, Atsushi M. Ito