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atomic structure for NEGF
Date: 2015/02/11 03:20
Name: Darek   <>

Dear OpenMX Users,

I am trying to simulate transport properties of metal-semiconductor junction composed of zincblende lattice of GaAs (2 unit cels) from the left side and rocksalt structure of GaAS (2 unit cels) on the right side of the junction.

____________ input_file ________________________
DATA.PATH /home/darek/opt/openmx3.7/DFT_DATA13

System.Name d
level.of.stdout 1
level.of.fileout 3

NEGF.filename.hks.l ./left-lead.hks
NEGF.filename.hks.r ./right-lead.hks

NEGF.Poisson.solver FFT

NEGF.Num.Poles 100 # defalut=150
NEGF.scf.Kgrid 7 7 # defalut=1 1

NEGF.bias.voltage 0.0 # default=0.0 (eV) 0.01 # default=0.01 (eV) 0.02 # default=0.02 (eV)

Dos.fileout off # on|off, default=off
NEGF.Dos.energyrange -10.0 5.0 5.0e-3 #default=-10.0 10.0 5.0e-3 (eV) 200 # default=200
NEGF.Dos.Kgrid 7 7 # default=1 1

NEGF.tran.energydiv 100 # default=200
NEGF.tran.energyrange -7.0 7.0 1.0e-3 # default=-10.0 10.0 1.0e-3 (eV)
NEGF.tran.Kgrid 9 9 # default= 1 1

Species.Number 2
Ga Ga7.0-s1p1d1 Ga_CA13
As As7.0-s1p1d1 As_CA13

Atoms.Number 18
Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates.Unit AU
1 Ga 10.82892000 0.00000000 0.00000000 6.5 6.5
2 Ga 10.82892000 5.41446000 5.41446000 6.5 6.5
3 Ga 16.24338000 5.41446000 0.00000000 6.5 6.5
4 Ga 16.24338000 0.00000000 5.41446000 6.5 6.5
5 As 13.53615000 2.70723000 2.70723000 7.5 7.5
6 As 13.53615000 8.12169000 8.12169000 7.5 7.5
7 As 18.95061000 8.12169000 2.70723000 7.5 7.5
8 As 18.95061000 2.70723000 8.12169000 7.5 7.5
9 Ga 21.65784000 0.00000000 0.00000000 6.5 6.5
10 Ga 21.65784000 5.41446000 5.41446000 6.5 6.5
11 Ga 27.07230000 0.00000000 0.00000000 6.5 6.5
12 Ga 27.07230000 5.41446000 5.41446000 6.5 6.5
13 Ga 32.48676000 5.41446000 0.00000000 6.5 6.5
14 Ga 32.48676000 0.00000000 5.41446000 6.5 6.5
15 As 27.07230000 5.41446000 0.00000000 7.5 7.5
16 As 27.07230000 0.00000000 5.41446000 7.5 7.5
17 As 32.48676000 0.00000000 0.00000000 7.5 7.5
18 As 32.48676000 5.41446000 5.41446000 7.5 7.5

LeftLeadAtoms.Number 8
1 Ga 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 6.5 6.5
2 Ga 0.00000000 5.41446000 5.41446000 6.5 6.5
3 Ga 5.41446000 5.41446000 0.00000000 6.5 6.5
4 Ga 5.41446000 0.00000000 5.41446000 6.5 6.5
5 As 2.70723000 2.70723000 2.70723000 7.5 7.5
6 As 2.70723000 8.12169000 8.12169000 7.5 7.5
7 As 8.12169000 8.12169000 2.70723000 7.5 7.5
8 As 8.12169000 2.70723000 8.12169000 7.5 7.5

RightLeadAtoms.Number 8
1 Ga 37.90122000 0.00000000 0.00000000 6.5 6.5
2 Ga 37.90122000 5.41446000 5.41446000 6.5 6.5
3 Ga 43.31568000 5.41446000 0.00000000 6.5 6.5
4 Ga 43.31568000 0.00000000 5.41446000 6.5 6.5
5 As 37.90122000 5.41446000 0.00000000 7.5 7.5
6 As 37.90122000 0.00000000 5.41446000 7.5 7.5
7 As 43.31568000 0.00000000 0.00000000 7.5 7.5
8 As 43.31568000 5.41446000 5.41446000 7.5 7.5

scf.restart off

#scf.Ngrid 20 20 4000

scf.XcType LDA
scf.SpinPolarization off
scf.ElectronicTemperature 300.0
scf.energycutoff 140.0
scf.maxIter 600
scf.EigenvalueSolver NEGF
scf.lapack.dste dstevx
scf.Kgrid 3 9 9
scf.Mixing.Type rmm-diisk
scf.Init.Mixing.Weight 0.010
scf.Min.Mixing.Weight 0.001
scf.Max.Mixing.Weight 0.400
scf.Mixing.History 35
scf.Mixing.StartPulay 15
scf.Mixing.EveryPulay 1
scf.criterion 1.0e-6

orderN.HoppingRanges 6.0
orderN.NumHoppings 1

Dos.fileout on
Dos.Erange -10.0 5.0
Dos.Kgrid 3 9 9


Initial analysis of the atomic structure performed by OpenMX produced different crystallographic definition of my system:

_________________ d.cif ______________
_audit_creation_date 2007-10-11
_audit_creation_method 'Materials Studio'
_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P1'
_symmetry_Int_Tables_number 1
_symmetry_cell_setting triclinic
_cell_length_a 25.0910
_cell_length_b 5.7304
_cell_length_c 5.7304
_cell_angle_alpha 90.0000
_cell_angle_beta 91.6359
_cell_angle_gamma 91.6359
A1 Ga 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A2 Ga 0.00000 0.50000 0.50000 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A3 Ga 0.11429 0.51429 0.01429 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A4 Ga 0.11429 0.01429 0.51429 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A5 As 0.05714 0.25714 0.25714 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A6 As 0.05714 0.75714 0.75714 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A7 As 0.17143 0.77143 0.27143 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A8 As 0.17143 0.27143 0.77143 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A9 Ga 0.22857 0.02857 0.02857 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A10 Ga 0.22857 0.52857 0.52857 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A11 Ga 0.34286 0.54286 0.04286 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A12 Ga 0.34286 0.04286 0.54286 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A13 As 0.28571 0.28571 0.28571 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A14 As 0.28571 0.78571 0.78571 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A15 As 0.40000 0.80000 0.30000 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A16 As 0.40000 0.30000 0.80000 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A17 Ga 0.45714 0.05714 0.05714 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A18 Ga 0.45714 0.55714 0.55714 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A19 Ga 0.57143 0.07143 0.07143 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A20 Ga 0.57143 0.57143 0.57143 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A21 Ga 0.68571 0.58571 0.08571 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A22 Ga 0.68571 0.08571 0.58571 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A23 As 0.57143 0.57143 0.07143 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A24 As 0.57143 0.07143 0.57143 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A25 As 0.68571 0.08571 0.08571 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A26 As 0.68571 0.58571 0.58571 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A27 Ga 0.80000 0.10000 0.10000 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A28 Ga 0.80000 0.60000 0.60000 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A29 Ga 0.91429 0.61429 0.11429 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A30 Ga 0.91429 0.11429 0.61429 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A31 As 0.80000 0.60000 0.10000 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A32 As 0.80000 0.10000 0.60000 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A33 As 0.91429 0.11429 0.11429 0.00000 Uiso 1.00
A34 As 0.91429 0.61429 0.61429 0.00000 Uiso 1.00



_______________ ________________

Ga 0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000
Ga 0.00000000000000 2.86520904762054 2.86520904762054
Ga 2.86520904762054 2.86520904762054 0.00000000000000
Ga 2.86520904762054 0.00000000000000 2.86520904762054
As 1.43260452381027 1.43260452381027 1.43260452381027
As 1.43260452381027 4.29781357143081 4.29781357143081
As 4.29781357143081 4.29781357143081 1.43260452381027
As 4.29781357143081 1.43260452381027 4.29781357143081
Ga 5.73041809524108 0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000
Ga 5.73041809524108 2.86520904762054 2.86520904762054
Ga 8.59562714286162 2.86520904762054 0.00000000000000
Ga 8.59562714286162 0.00000000000000 2.86520904762054
As 7.16302261905135 1.43260452381027 1.43260452381027
As 7.16302261905135 4.29781357143081 4.29781357143081
As 10.02823166667189 4.29781357143081 1.43260452381027
As 10.02823166667189 1.43260452381027 4.29781357143081
Ga 11.46083619048216 0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000
Ga 11.46083619048216 2.86520904762054 2.86520904762054
Ga 14.32604523810270 0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000
Ga 14.32604523810270 2.86520904762054 2.86520904762054
Ga 17.19125428572324 2.86520904762054 0.00000000000000
Ga 17.19125428572324 0.00000000000000 2.86520904762054
As 14.32604523810270 2.86520904762054 0.00000000000000
As 14.32604523810270 0.00000000000000 2.86520904762054
As 17.19125428572324 0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000
As 17.19125428572324 2.86520904762054 2.86520904762054
Ga 20.05646333334378 0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000
Ga 20.05646333334378 2.86520904762054 2.86520904762054
Ga 22.92167238096432 2.86520904762054 0.00000000000000
Ga 22.92167238096432 0.00000000000000 2.86520904762054
As 20.05646333334378 2.86520904762054 0.00000000000000
As 20.05646333334378 0.00000000000000 2.86520904762054
As 22.92167238096432 0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000
As 22.92167238096432 2.86520904762054 2.86520904762054

Left lead

Atoms.Number 8
Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates.Unit AU
1 Ga 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 6.5 6.5
2 Ga 0.00000000 5.41446000 5.41446000 6.5 6.5
3 Ga 5.41446000 5.41446000 0.00000000 6.5 6.5
4 Ga 5.41446000 0.00000000 5.41446000 6.5 6.5
5 As 2.70723000 2.70723000 2.70723000 7.5 7.5
6 As 2.70723000 8.12169000 8.12169000 7.5 7.5
7 As 8.12169000 8.12169000 2.70723000 7.5 7.5
8 As 8.12169000 2.70723000 8.12169000 7.5 7.5
Atoms.UnitVectors.Unit AU

10.82892000 0 0
0 10.82892 0
0 0 10.82892

Right lead

Atoms.Number 8
Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates.Unit AU
1 Ga 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 6.5 6.5
2 Ga 0.00000000 5.41446000 5.41446000 6.5 6.5
3 Ga 5.41446000 5.41446000 0.00000000 6.5 6.5
4 Ga 5.41446000 0.00000000 5.41446000 6.5 6.5
5 As 0.00000000 5.41446000 0.00000000 7.5 7.5
6 As 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.41446000 7.5 7.5
7 As 5.41446000 0.00000000 0.00000000 7.5 7.5
8 As 5.41446000 5.41446000 5.41446000 7.5 7.5
Atoms.UnitVectors.Unit AU

10.82892000 0 0
0 10.82892 0
0 0 10.82892


As you see the CIF file contains distorted (in YZ plane) supercell while the XYZ file describes expected orthogonal supercell.

I am wondering what is wrong in my input.dat file.

May I ask you for some advise?

Best regards,
Dariusz Chrobak
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Re: atomic structure for NEGF ( No.1 )
Date: 2015/02/11 23:09
Name: Darek  <>

Described above problem appears when NEGF solver is used:

<Check_System> The system is bulk.
lattice vectors (bohr)
A = 47.376525000000, -1.353615000000, -1.353615000000
B = 0.000000000000, 10.828920000000, 0.000000000000
C = 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000, 10.828920000000

Non-orthogonal supercell was detected...

Band solver produces correct atomic arrangements in orthogonal supercell.

Best regards, Darek
Re: atomic structure for NEGF ( No.2 )
Date: 2015/02/17 20:44
Name: Artem Pulkin  <>

The only thing I can imagine is that you made some mistake previously (for example, used a different atomic configuration for the leads), fixed the input file but did not restart the calculation from scratch. Try re-calculating .hks files for the leads.

Re: atomic structure for NEGF ( No.3 )
Date: 2015/02/19 00:48
Name: Darek  <>

Hi Artem,

First of all thank you very much for your response. I did not suppose that some of OpenMX users would like to study all the atomic coordinates provided in my first message :)

Going back to the problem, I would like to calculate I-V characteristics of ZB|RS junction. Trying to put into my system the same leads, I can imagine that my system will be composed as follows: ...ZBZB|RS|ZBZB..., ie. two ZB|RS junctions in the central region. So, the leads should posses different crystallographic structure in my case.

A few months ago I have done 'similar' calculation but for silicon. The left lead was diamond-Si while the right lead was also diamond-Si but compressed in a-direction. Between these two different structures (cubic and tetragonal unit cells) I placed intermediate structure with tetragonality that changes from 1 to that defined for the right lead. In spite of having not the same leads I obtained reasonable results.

Concerning hks files and atomic configuration of the leads, I think they are good.

Kind regards,
Re: atomic structure for NEGF ( No.4 )
Date: 2015/02/20 16:37
Name: T. Ozaki


The violation of orthogonality in the unit cell in the NEGF calculation comes from
a fact that Grid_Origin in the band calculation for the right lead differs from
that for the left lead. In the band structure calculation, the central unit cell
is placed so that the cell properly covers all the atoms, and the regular mesh
for integration is generated in the unit cell. Since the atomic coordinates of
the left and right leads are different from each other, the origins of the unit cell
are also different. The origin of unit cell can be found from the standard output
in the band structure calculation of the left lead as

Grid_Origin -1.233293666667 -1.233293666667 -1.233293666667

in the band calculation of the right leas as

Grid_Origin -2.586908666667 -2.586908666667 -2.586908666667

They are apparently different.

On the other hand, the unit cell in the NEGF calculation is generated by merging
the left and right unit cells with the grid origin determined by the band calculations,
and by considering the relative atomic positions. Therefore, if the grid origin of the
right lead does not match with that of the left lead, the merging leads to the displaced
cell in the NEGF calculation. This is the reason why you got the non-orthogonal cell.
To avoid the situation, you only have to include the following keyword for the band structure
calculation of the right lead:

scf.fixed.grid -1.233293666667 -1.233293666667 -1.233293666667

Then, you can keep the same grid origin for the right lead as for the left lead, and obtain
the orthogonal cell in the NEGF calculation.



Re: atomic structure for NEGF ( No.5 )
Date: 2015/02/20 19:31
Name: Darek  <>

Dear Ozaki-sensei,
Dear Artem,

My faith in interpersonal assistance has increased significantly. It works!

Kind regards,

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