Calculating PDOS |
- Date: 2016/02/04 23:20
- Name: Seungjin Kang
- I'm trying td draw PDOS for some hybridized orbitals such as |s_1> + i|px_1>. How can I do this?
The wavefunction |n,k> (n = band index, k = kpoint) is expanded with basis functions atomic orbitals.
|n,k> = c1 |s_1> + c2|px_1> + c3 |py_1> + c4 |pz_1> + ...
And the scheme for calculating PDOS for |px_1> orbital is
ƒÏ(E)_(px_1) = ƒ°<n,k|px_1><px_1|n,k> ƒÂ(E - E_nk) = ƒ°|c2|^2 (E - E_nk)
Also, for some orbitals such as |s_1> + i|px_1>,
ƒÏ(E)_(s+px_1) = ƒ°<n,k|(|s_1> + i|px_1>)(<s_1} + i<px_1|)|n,k> ƒÂ(E - E_nk) = ƒ°|c1+ic2|^2 (E - E_nk)
So we need the coefficients of each orbital to calculate PDOS. If the coefficients c1 and c2 are real numbers, |c1+ic2|^2 = |c1|^2 + |c2|^2 so we can just add the PDOS of |s_1> and |px_1>. But if c1 and c2 are complex number, we can't just do this because |c1+ic2|^2 = |c1|^2 + |c2|^2 + i(c1 c2* - c1* c2). and we don't know the complex term. Is this right? Or are there any other ways for this kind of job?
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