Re: Constrained optimization ( No.1 ) |
- Date: 2018/03/21 05:43
- Name: Chi-Cheng Lee <>
- Hi, Hashmi,
Could it be that there is a typo for "<MD.Fixed.XYZ" or "MD.Fixed.XYZ>" in your input file? Maybe it will be helpful if you can copy that part of input file here.
Cheers, Chi-Cheng
Re: Constrained optimization ( No.2 ) |
- Date: 2018/03/22 14:28
- Name: Hashmi <>
- Species.Number 3
<Definition.of.Atomic.Species Se Se7.0-s2p2d1 Se_PBE13 Mn Mn8.0-s3p2d2f1 Mn_PBE13 Definition.of.Atomic.Species>
Atoms.Number 16 Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates.Unit FRAC <Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates 1 Se 0.66707437490900 0.66930946726612 0.16639556712945 3.0 3.0 off 2 Se 0.32913867787673 0.00027093129895 0.39559542316156 3.0 3.0 off 3 Se 0.33038161721844 -0.00250441563942 0.16689373498955 3.0 3.0 off 4 Se -0.00004544126731 0.32872816653460 0.39603319364295 3.0 3.0 off 5 Se 1.00280318090372 0.33275545601191 0.16655222089333 3.0 3.0 off 6 Se 0.67135559610282 0.67133176660645 0.39549621043000 3.0 3.0 off 7 Se 0.99933584450708 0.66282707060885 0.04873344030352 3.0 3.0 off 8 Se 0.66786978676606 -0.00151279336836 0.28014657948851 3.0 3.0 off 9 Se 0.33616423510276 0.33544634662001 0.05007893788585 3.0 3.0 off 10 Se 1.00073037024674 0.66904605892015 0.28049859111788 3.0 3.0 off 11 Se 0.66475986389182 0.00056404706345 0.05068061276237 3.0 3.0 off 12 Se 0.33207136791968 0.33274100581309 0.28216507543494 3.0 3.0 off 13 Mn 0.00266968613895 -0.00406930561958 0.10464690489555 6.0 9.0 on 14 Mn 0.67047284153634 0.33107842257451 0.33619472685655 6.0 9.0 on 15 Mn 0.66980716334484 0.33900378066085 0.10605506623188 9.0 6.0 on 16 Mn 0.33298581827446 0.67228797501581 0.33518999624598 9.0 6.0 on Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates>
<MD.Fixed.XYZ 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 3 1 1 0 4 1 1 0 5 1 1 0 6 1 1 0 7 1 1 0 8 1 1 0 9 1 1 0 10 1 1 0 11 1 1 0 12 1 1 0 13 1 1 0 14 1 1 0 15 1 1 0 16 1 1 0 MD.Fixed.XYZ>
Atoms.UnitVectors.Unit AU <Atoms.UnitVectors 12.117490164245517 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 -6.058745082028272 10.494054312225355 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 56.691779657367697 Atoms.UnitVectors>
scf.dftD on # on|off, default=off version.dftD 3 # 2|3, default=2 DFTD3.damp zero # zero|bj, default=bj DFTD.Unit AU # Ang|AU DFTD.rcut_dftD 100.0 # default=100 (DFTD.Unit) DFTD.cncut_dftD 40 # default=40 (DFTD.Unit) DFTD.IntDirection 1 1 0 # default=1 1 1 (1:on 0:off)
scf.Electric.Field 0.0 0.0 0.6 # default=0.0 0.0 0.0 (GV/m)
<Hubbard.U.values # eV Se 1s 0.0 2s 0.0 1p 0.0 2p 0.0 1d 0.0 Mn 1s 0.0 2s 0.0 3s 0.0 1p 0.0 2p 0.0 1d 5.0 2d 0.0 1f 0.0 Hubbard.U.values> scf.Hubbard.U On # On|Off, default=off scf.Hubbard.Occupation dual # onsite|full|dual scf.partialCoreCorrection On # On|Off
# MD or Geometry Optimization MD.Type RF # Opt|DIIS|BFGS|RF|EF MD.Opt.DIIS.History 3 # default=3 MD.Opt.StartDIIS 5 # default=5 MD.Opt.EveryDIIS 200 # default=200 MD.maxIter 500 # default=1 MD.Opt.criterion 5.0e-5 # default=0.0003 (Hartree/Bohr)
#scf.restart on scf.XcType GGA-PBE # LDA|LSDA-CA|LSDA-PW scf.SpinPolarization ON # On|Off|NC #scf.SpinOrbit.Coupling ON # On|Off, default=off #scf.Constraint.NC.Spin ON # On|Off, default=off scf.ElectronicTemperature 400.0 # default=300 (K) scf.energycutoff 420.0 # default=150 (Ry) scf.maxIter 55 # default=40 scf.EigenvalueSolver Band # Recursion|Cluster|Band scf.Kgrid 7 7 1 # means 4x4x4 scf.Mixing.Type Rmm-Diis # Simple|Rmm-Diis|Gr-Pulay scf.Init.Mixing.Weight 0.100 # default=0.30 scf.Min.Mixing.Weight 0.0005 # default=0.001 scf.Max.Mixing.Weight 0.200 # default=0.40 scf.Mixing.History 15 # default=5 scf.Mixing.StartPulay 35 # default=6 scf.criterion 3.7e-6 # default=1.0e-6 (Hartree)
Re: Constrained optimization ( No.3 ) |
- Date: 2018/03/22 14:32
- Name: Hashmi <>
- System.CurrrentDirectory ./
System.Name MnPSe level.of.stdout 1 level.of.fileout 1
Species.Number 2 <Definition.of.Atomic.Species Se Se7.0-s2p2d1 Se_PBE13 Mn Mn8.0-s3p2d2f1 Mn_PBE13 P P7.0-s2p2d1 P_PBE13 Definition.of.Atomic.Species>
Atoms.Number 16 Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates.Unit FRAC <Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates 1 Se 0.66707437490900 0.66930946726612 0.16639556712945 3.0 3.0 off 2 Se 0.32913867787673 0.00027093129895 0.39559542316156 3.0 3.0 off 3 Se 0.33038161721844 -0.00250441563942 0.16689373498955 3.0 3.0 off 4 Se -0.00004544126731 0.32872816653460 0.39603319364295 3.0 3.0 off 5 Se 1.00280318090372 0.33275545601191 0.16655222089333 3.0 3.0 off 6 Se 0.67135559610282 0.67133176660645 0.39549621043000 3.0 3.0 off 7 Se 0.99933584450708 0.66282707060885 0.04873344030352 3.0 3.0 off 8 Se 0.66786978676606 -0.00151279336836 0.28014657948851 3.0 3.0 off 9 Se 0.33616423510276 0.33544634662001 0.05007893788585 3.0 3.0 off 10 Se 1.00073037024674 0.66904605892015 0.28049859111788 3.0 3.0 off 11 Se 0.66475986389182 0.00056404706345 0.05068061276237 3.0 3.0 off 12 Se 0.33207136791968 0.33274100581309 0.28216507543494 3.0 3.0 off 13 Mn 0.00266968613895 -0.00406930561958 0.10464690489555 6.0 9.0 on 14 Mn 0.67047284153634 0.33107842257451 0.33619472685655 6.0 9.0 on 15 Mn 0.66980716334484 0.33900378066085 0.10605506623188 9.0 6.0 on 16 Mn 0.33298581827446 0.67228797501581 0.33518999624598 9.0 6.0 on Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates>
<MD.Fixed.XYZ 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 3 1 1 0 4 1 1 0 5 1 1 0 6 1 1 0 7 1 1 0 8 1 1 0 9 1 1 0 10 1 1 0 11 1 1 0 12 1 1 0 13 1 1 0 14 1 1 0 15 1 1 0 MD.Fixed.XYZ>
Atoms.UnitVectors.Unit AU <Atoms.UnitVectors 12.117490164245517 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 -6.058745082028272 10.494054312225355 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 56.691779657367697 Atoms.UnitVectors>
scf.dftD on # on|off, default=off version.dftD 3 # 2|3, default=2 DFTD3.damp zero # zero|bj, default=bj DFTD.Unit AU # Ang|AU DFTD.rcut_dftD 100.0 # default=100 (DFTD.Unit) DFTD.cncut_dftD 40 # default=40 (DFTD.Unit) DFTD.IntDirection 1 1 0 # default=1 1 1 (1:on 0:off)
scf.Electric.Field 0.0 0.0 0.6 # default=0.0 0.0 0.0 (GV/m)
<Hubbard.U.values # eV Se 1s 0.0 2s 0.0 1p 0.0 2p 0.0 1d 0.0 Mn 1s 0.0 2s 0.0 3s 0.0 1p 0.0 2p 0.0 1d 5.0 2d 0.0 1f 0.0 Hubbard.U.values> scf.Hubbard.U On # On|Off, default=off scf.Hubbard.Occupation dual # onsite|full|dual scf.partialCoreCorrection On # On|Off
# MD or Geometry Optimization MD.Type RF # Opt|DIIS|BFGS|RF|EF MD.Opt.DIIS.History 3 # default=3 MD.Opt.StartDIIS 5 # default=5 MD.Opt.EveryDIIS 200 # default=200 MD.maxIter 500 # default=1 MD.Opt.criterion 5.0e-5 # default=0.0003 (Hartree/Bohr)
#scf.restart on scf.XcType GGA-PBE # LDA|LSDA-CA|LSDA-PW scf.SpinPolarization ON # On|Off|NC #scf.SpinOrbit.Coupling ON # On|Off, default=off #scf.Constraint.NC.Spin ON # On|Off, default=off scf.ElectronicTemperature 400.0 # default=300 (K) scf.energycutoff 420.0 # default=150 (Ry) scf.maxIter 55 # default=40 scf.EigenvalueSolver Band # Recursion|Cluster|Band scf.Kgrid 7 7 1 # means 4x4x4 scf.Mixing.Type Rmm-Diis # Simple|Rmm-Diis|Gr-Pulay scf.Init.Mixing.Weight 0.100 # default=0.30 scf.Min.Mixing.Weight 0.0005 # default=0.001 scf.Max.Mixing.Weight 0.200 # default=0.40 scf.Mixing.History 15 # default=5 scf.Mixing.StartPulay 35 # default=6 scf.criterion 3.7e-6 # default=1.0e-6 (Hartree)
This is my input file. I have included +U and Electric field as well. Is something wrong here??
Re: Constrained optimization ( No.4 ) |
- Date: 2018/03/22 15:05
- Name: Chi-Cheng Lee <>
- Dear Hashmi,
The use of MD.Fixed.XYZ looks good to me. But I didn't see 0.666666666 0.666666666 ... Let me make sure that you began with 0.666666666 0.666666666 in the input file (say, case.dat), and then the input file was updated to the one you have posted (case.dat#)?
Regards, Chi-Cheng
Re: Constrained optimization ( No.5 ) |
- Date: 2018/03/22 16:05
- Name: Hashmi <>
- Atoms.Number 16
Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates.Unit FRAC <Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates 1 Se 0.666666666 0.666666666 0.181940004 3.0 3.0 off 2 Se 0.333333333 1.000000002 0.431879997 3.0 3.0 off 3 Se 0.333333333 0.000000000 0.181940004 3.0 3.0 off 4 Se 0.000000000 0.333333333 0.431879997 3.0 3.0 off 5 Se 1.000000000 0.333333333 0.181940004 3.0 3.0 off 6 Se 0.666666666 0.666666666 0.431879997 3.0 3.0 off 7 Se 1.000000000 0.666666666 0.068000004 3.0 3.0 off 8 Se 0.666666666 0.000000000 0.317940027 3.0 3.0 off 9 Se 0.333333333 0.333333333 0.068000004 3.0 3.0 off 10 Se 1.000000000 0.666666666 0.317940027 3.0 3.0 off 11 Se 0.666666666 0.000000000 0.068000004 3.0 3.0 off 12 Se 0.333333333 0.333333333 0.317940027 3.0 3.0 off 13 Mn 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.125200003 6.0 9.0 on 14 Mn 0.666666666 0.333333333 0.375140011 6.0 9.0 on 15 Mn 0.666666666 0.333333333 0.124750003 9.0 6.0 on 16 Mn 0.333333333 0.666666666 0.374689996 9.0 6.0 on Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates>
Atoms.UnitVectors.Unit Ang <Atoms.UnitVectors 6.4123001099 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 -3.2061500549 5.5532147918 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 30.0000000000 Atoms.UnitVectors>
I started with this input.
Re: Constrained optimization ( No.6 ) |
- Date: 2018/03/22 16:29
- Name: Chi-Cheng Lee <>
- Dear Hashmi,
I couldn't see anything wrong for the issue of fixing atomic positions. Maybe someone else could provide a better solution. But I am wondering whether you can really run the input file, for example, the number of species (2) is inconsistent with the species you have listed (3).
Species.Number 2 <Definition.of.Atomic.Species Se Se7.0-s2p2d1 Se_PBE13 Mn Mn8.0-s3p2d2f1 Mn_PBE13 P P7.0-s2p2d1 P_PBE13 Definition.of.Atomic.Species>
Regards, Chi-Cheng
Re: Constrained optimization ( No.7 ) |
- Date: 2018/03/23 01:21
- Name: T. Ozaki
- Hi,
Did you apply the patch for OpenMX Ver. 3.8?
The original of Ver. 3.8 has a bug that the constraint scheme by the keyword 'MD.Fixed.XYZ' does not work properly for the EF and RF optimizers. The bug will be fixed by applying the patch as explained at
Re: Constrained optimization ( No.8 ) |
- Date: 2018/03/23 11:36
- Name: Hashmi <>
- Anyway thanks a lot for your help Chi-Cheng.
Sorry that is my mistake (Copy paste mistake). yeah that's inconsistent but i am using correct info in original input.
Prof. Ozaki Thanks a lot and yes you are right. this was the problem with RF. i didn't apply the patch and that was the problem.