error while testing Methane.dat |
- Date: 2006/10/30 02:12
- Name: Kevin
- Hi
I had the following error while testing the installation on a 16 processor Opteron machine. compiled 64bit using openmpi, atlas v3.7.17, mpicc is gcc 4.1.1
******************* MD= 1 SCF= 1 ******************* <Set_Hamiltonian> Hamiltonian matrix for VNA+dVH+Vxc... <Cluster> Eigenvalue problem... ** On entry to DSTEVX, parameter number 3 had an illegal value ** On entry to DSTEVX, parameter number 3 had an illegal value info=-3 in dstevx_ ** On entry to DSTEVX, parameter number 3 had an illegal value info=-3 in dstevx_ ** On entry to DSTEVX, parameter number 3 had an illegal value info=-3 in dstevx_ ** On entry to DSTEVX, parameter number 3 had an illegal value info=-3 in dstevx_ info=-3 in dstevx_
I was using the makefile
CC = mpicc -O3 -Dbraswrap -I/usr/local/fftw3/include -I/home/vasp/Desktop/CLAPACK/F2CLIBS LIB = -L/usr/local/fftw3/lib -lfftw3 -L/home/vasp/Desktop/CLAPACK/ -llapack -lcblaswr -L/home/vasp/Desktop/ATLAS/gob/lib -lcblas -latlas -L/home/vasp/Desktop/CLAPACK/F2CLIBS -lg2c -lI77
and had to change
Timetool.o: Timetool.c $(CC) -D_POSIX_SOURCE -c Timetool.c
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks, Kevin
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