Re: ERROR: Lapack routine DSTEQR failed ( No.1 ) |
- Date: 2021/04/25 11:16
- Name: mani
- My system is heusler alloy and DFTSCF file is:
*********************************************************** *********************************************************** SCF history at MD= 1 *********************************************************** ***********************************************************
SCF= 1 NormRD= 1.000000000000 Uele= -190.111610206497 SCF= 2 NormRD= 5.523151030541 Uele= -190.063759620360 SCF= 3 NormRD= 5.505147127320 Uele= -185.592336869521 SCF= 4 NormRD= 1.384340195496 Uele= -185.512273092532 SCF= 5 NormRD= 1.085652988161 Uele= -187.164158538296 SCF= 6 NormRD= 4.236650662083 Uele= -187.108470868141 SCF= 7 NormRD= 1.870118058339 Uele= -187.064880142073 SCF= 8 NormRD= 1.249927588788 Uele= -187.007836110639 SCF= 9 NormRD= 1.855242469161 Uele= -186.991125827716 SCF= 10 NormRD= 0.793103797952 Uele= -186.976475210898 SCF= 11 NormRD= 0.505112534622 Uele= -186.955660027335 SCF= 12 NormRD= 0.460380536101 Uele= -186.866225487325 SCF= 13 NormRD= 1.788144819469 Uele= -186.867592215379 SCF= 14 NormRD= 0.305675765049 Uele= -186.871606890020 SCF= 15 NormRD= 0.233880920511 Uele= -186.881465188667 SCF= 16 NormRD= 14.215860521774 Uele= -188.112983024385
Re: ERROR: Lapack routine DSTEQR failed ( No.2 ) |
- Date: 2021/04/25 12:46
- Name: Naoya Yamaguchi
- Hi,
Can you try to add `scf.lapack.dste dstevx` into your input file? The problem happens in LAPACK, so you can change the eigenvalue solver. `scf.lapack.dste dstegr` or `scf.lapack.dste dstedc` is also options. Or, you might solve it by changing libraries for LAPACK if there are any problems in the libraries.
Regards, Naoya Yamaguchi
Re: ERROR: Lapack routine DSTEQR failed ( No.3 ) |
- Date: 2021/04/26 06:33
- Name: mani
- Dear Naoya Yamaguchi,
Thank you very much for your answer. I changed the eigenvalue solver by adding scf.lapack.dste (dstevx , dstegr , dstedc) to the input file but the problem was not solved. This error happens to me in non-collinear calculation! Also I use mkl libs and have no problem with other calculations. Is there another solution?
Re: ERROR: Lapack routine DSTEQR failed ( No.4 ) |
- Date: 2021/04/26 18:05
- Name: Naoya Yamaguchi
- Dear mani,
>Also I use mkl libs and have no problem with other calculations. Is it able to run without the generalized Bloch method?
Regards, Naoya Yamaguchi
Re: ERROR: Lapack routine DSTEQR failed ( No.5 ) |
- Date: 2021/04/28 17:09
- Name: mani
- Dear Naoya Yamaguchi,
Thank you very much for your help. I ran the calculation without SCF.Generalized.Bloch and the problem was solved.
Best regards, mani
Re: ERROR: Lapack routine DSTEQR failed ( No.6 ) |
- Date: 2021/05/03 23:10
- Name: Naoya Yamaguchi
- I leave a comment about No. 2.
`scf.lapack.dste` seems to be an old option.
Regards, Naoya Yamaguchi