Re: Kgird dependence of HS.out value ( No.1 ) |
- Date: 2021/06/21 09:33
- Name: T. Ozaki
- Hi,
scf.Kgrid is used to perform the Brillouin zone integration in calculating density matrix and charge density during the SCF calculation. So, a different scf.Kgrid gives a different charge density resulting in the slight change of Hamiltonian matrix. While the larger the better, but we see the almost convergent result for the matrix elements.
Re: Kgird dependence of HS.out value ( No.2 ) |
- Date: 2021/07/01 23:35
- Name: PES217i
- Dear Prof. Ozaki,
Thanks for the reply, I changed the analysis_example and increased the number of digits from 7 to 15, and I understand better.
By the way, what is the unit of the Hamiltonian matrix?
Best, PES217i
Re: Kgird dependence of HS.out value ( No.3 ) |
- Date: 2021/07/02 09:10
- Name: T. Ozaki
- Hi,
> By the way, what is the unit of the Hamiltonian matrix?
It is the Hartree unit.