Re: How to find interaction energy in result with using DFT-D3 method ( No.1 ) |
- Date: 2022/10/20 14:57
- Name: T. Ozaki
- Hi,
The interation energy is defined as the total energy of the dimer - 2 times that of the monomer.
As explained in the manual, all the input files for the calculations can be found in a directory 'work/DFT-D3/', and they are
Dimer-Ben-10.0.dat Dimer-Ben-3.88.dat Dimer-Ben-4.5.dat Mono-Ben-1.dat Dimer-Ben-3.3.dat Dimer-Ben-3.89.dat Dimer-Ben-5.0.dat Mono-Ben-2.dat Dimer-Ben-3.4.dat Dimer-Ben-3.8.dat Dimer-Ben-6.0.dat Mono-Ben.dat Dimer-Ben-3.6.dat Dimer-Ben-3.9.dat Dimer-Ben-7.0.dat Dimer-Ben-3.86.dat Dimer-Ben-4.0.dat Dimer-Ben-8.0.dat Dimer-Ben-3.87.dat Dimer-Ben-4.2.dat Dimer-Ben-9.0.dat
So, by performing all the calculations and extracting the total eneries from the out files. You can plot such a figure.