Error in running openmx |
- Date: 2024/03/29 11:11
- Name: Jays
- Dear OpenMx developers,
I just successfully installed OpenMx but encountered other problems when try to run it. Here are the commands that I used and the error messages.
$ mpirun -n 2 openmx Methane.dat > met.std
srun: error: resolve_ctls_from_dns_srv: res_nsearch error: Unknown host srun: error: fetch_config: DNS SRV lookup failed srun: error: _establish_config_source: failed to fetch config srun: fatal: Could not establish a configuration source
$ mpirun --version
Unknown option: version Usage: mpiexec.slurm args executable pgmargs
where args are comannd line arguments for mpiexec (see below), executable is the name of the eecutable and pgmargs are command line arguments for the executable. For example the following command will run the MPI program a.out on 4 processes:
mpiexec.slurm -n 4 a.out
mpiexec.slurm supports the following options:
[-n nprocs] [-host hostname] [-verbose] [-nostdin] [-allstdin] [-nostdout] [-pernode] [-config config_file] [-help|-?] [-man]
$ openmx Methane.dat
[---:---] [[INVALID],INVALID] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: A system-required executable either could not be found or was not executable by this user in file ../../../../../../orte/mca/ess/singleton/ess_singleton_module.c at line 572 [---:---] [[INVALID],INVALID] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: A system-required executable either could not be found or was not executable by this user in file ../../../../../../orte/mca/ess/singleton/ess_singleton_module.c at line 172 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry! You were supposed to get help about: orte_init:startup:internal-failure But I couldn't open the help file: /usr/share/openmpi/help-orte-runtime: No such file or directory. Sorry! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry! You were supposed to get help about: mpi_init:startup:internal-failure But I couldn't open the help file: /usr/share/openmpi/help-mpi-runtime.txt: No such file or directory. Sorry! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** An error occurred in MPI_Init *** on a NULL communicator *** MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL (processes in this communicator will now abort, *** and potentially your MPI job) [---:---] Local abort before MPI_INIT completed completed successfully, but am not able to aggregate error messages, and not able to guarantee that all other processes were killed!
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
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