Re: OpenMX 3.9 Installation on an AlmaLinux 8.7 system with Intel oneAPI 2024.2 ( No.1 ) |
- Date: 2024/08/06 13:36
- Name: Naoya Yamaguchi
- Hi,
It appears that the environment variables for MPI are not set right. Have you completed the settings described on pages 18-19 of ?
Regards, Naoya Yamaguchi
Re: OpenMX 3.9 Installation on an AlmaLinux 8.7 system with Intel oneAPI 2024.2 ( No.2 ) |
- Date: 2024/08/07 15:06
- Name: Shunichiro Ito
- Dear Naoya,
Thank you very much for your prompt reply.
I have confirmed the settings shown on pages 18-19 of the file. Here are the version information:
``` $ icx --version Intel(R) oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler 2024.2.0 (2024.2.0.20240602) Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Thread model: posix InstalledDir: /opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2024.2/bin/compiler Configuration file: /opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2024.2/bin/compiler/../icx.cfg
$ ifort --version ifort: remark #10448: Intel(R) Fortran Compiler Classic (ifort) is now deprecated and will be discontinued late 2024. Intel recommends that customers transition now to using the LLVM-based Intel(R) Fortran Compiler (ifx) for continued Windows* and Linux* support, new language support, new language features, and optimizations. Use '-diag-disable=10448' to disable this message. ifort (IFORT) 2021.13.0 20240602 Copyright (C) 1985-2024 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
$ ifx --version ifx (IFX) 2024.2.0 20240602 Copyright (C) 1985-2024 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
$ mpirun --version Intel(R) MPI Library for Linux* OS, Version 2021.13 Build 20240515 (id: df72937) Copyright 2003-2024, Intel Corporation. ```
However, I have still encountered the same error as mentioned above.
Best, Shunichiro
Re: OpenMX 3.9 Installation on an AlmaLinux 8.7 system with Intel oneAPI 2024.2 ( No.3 ) |
- Date: 2024/08/07 17:39
- Name: Naoya Yamaguchi
- Dear Ito-san,
Can you paste the output of executing a command `env | grep "${I_MPI_ROOT}"/include` ?
Regards, Naoya Yamaguchi
Re: OpenMX 3.9 Installation on an AlmaLinux 8.7 system with Intel oneAPI 2024.2 ( No.4 ) |
- Date: 2024/08/08 10:23
- Name: Shunichiro Ito
- Dear Naoya,
Sure! Here is the output of the command.
``` $ env | grep "${I_MPI_ROOT}"/include CPATH=/opt/intel/oneapi/tbb/2021.13/env/../include:/opt/intel/oneapi/mpi/2021.13/include:/opt/intel/oneapi/mkl/2024.2/include:/opt/intel/oneapi/ippcp/2021.12/include:/opt/intel/oneapi/ipp/2021.12/include:/opt/intel/oneapi/dpl/2022.6/include:/opt/intel/oneapi/dpcpp-ct/2024.2/include:/opt/intel/oneapi/dnnl/2024.2/include:/opt/intel/oneapi/dev-utilities/2024.2/include:/opt/intel/oneapi/dal/2024.5/include/dal:/opt/intel/oneapi/ccl/2021.13/include ```
Best, Shunichiro
Re: OpenMX 3.9 Installation on an AlmaLinux 8.7 system with Intel oneAPI 2024.2 ( No.5 ) |
- Date: 2024/08/08 16:10
- Name: Naoya Yamaguchi
- Dear Ito-san,
Thank you. The MPI-related environment variables seem to be set appropriately. Next, can you also show the output for `ls "${I_MPI_ROOT}"/include`?
Regards, Naoya Yamaguchi
Re: OpenMX 3.9 Installation on an AlmaLinux 8.7 system with Intel oneAPI 2024.2 ( No.6 ) |
- Date: 2024/08/08 16:50
- Name: Shunichiro Ito
- Dear Naoya,
Thank you very much. Here is the output.
``` $ ls "${I_MPI_ROOT}"/include mpi mpicxx.h mpif.h mpi.h mpiof.h mpio.h ```
Best, Shunichiro
Re: OpenMX 3.9 Installation on an AlmaLinux 8.7 system with Intel oneAPI 2024.2 ( No.7 ) |
- Date: 2024/08/08 18:23
- Name: Naoya Yamaguchi
- Dear Ito-san,
From the output results, I think that oneAPI has been installed successfully and there is no file corruption.
The other possible cause is that you might be using an old session, that is, a shell that does not reflect your settings.
How about trying to install OpenMX in a new session, or at least in a session that returned the result of the last command output, or after a reboot?
Regards, Naoya Yamaguchi
Re: OpenMX 3.9 Installation on an AlmaLinux 8.7 system with Intel oneAPI 2024.2 ( No.8 ) |
- Date: 2024/08/08 19:30
- Name: Shunichiro Ito
- Dear Naoya,
I have rebooted the system and tried to install OpenMX again, but I still got the same error... Could you have other options?
I really appreciate all your help.
Best, Shunichiro
Re: OpenMX 3.9 Installation on an AlmaLinux 8.7 system with Intel oneAPI 2024.2 ( No.9 ) |
- Date: 2024/08/08 23:02
- Name: Naoya Yamaguchi
- Dear Ito-san,
I have tried an installation of AlmaLinux 8 on WSL. I used "AlmaLinux 8 WSL" available from Microsoft Store, and the installation was successful.
I used DNF to install oneAPI as explained in , and if you use WSL, how about resetting the AlmaLinux OS?
Regards, Naoya Yamaguchi
Re: OpenMX 3.9 Installation on an AlmaLinux 8.7 system with Intel oneAPI 2024.2 ( No.10 ) |
- Date: 2024/08/10 17:42
- Name: Hiroyuki Kawai
- Dear Ito-san,
I previously tried to compile/build OpenMX 3.9.9 with Intel oneAPI 2024 as the compiler as you did, but failed (although the error displayed at that time was different from yours). Please try to compile/build OpenMX 3.9.9 using Intel oneAPI 2023 instead of Intel oneAPI 2024.
Regards, Hiroyuki Kawai
Re: OpenMX 3.9 Installation on an AlmaLinux 8.7 system with Intel oneAPI 2024.2 ( No.11 ) |
- Date: 2024/08/11 18:42
- Name: Naoya Yamaguchi
- Dear Ito-san,
I overlooked that you seems to use a AlmaLinux OS-based workstation, not WSL. Can you show the output for `icx -E -v /dev/null`?
Regards, Naoya Yamaguchi
Re: OpenMX 3.9 Installation on an AlmaLinux 8.7 system with Intel oneAPI 2024.2 ( No.12 ) |
- Date: 2024/08/12 15:14
- Name: Shunichiro Ito
- Dear Hiroyuki,
Thank you very much for your reply. I do not have Intel oneAPI 2023. Could I download it from somewhere?
Best, Shunichiro
Re: OpenMX 3.9 Installation on an AlmaLinux 8.7 system with Intel oneAPI 2024.2 ( No.13 ) |
- Date: 2024/08/12 15:15
- Name: Shunichiro Ito
- Dear Naoya,
Yes, I do work with a workstation based on AlmaLinux. Here is the output:
``` $ icx -E -v /dev/null Intel(R) oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler 2024.2.0 (2024.2.0.20240602) Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Thread model: posix InstalledDir: /opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2024.2/bin/compiler Configuration file: /opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2024.2/bin/compiler/../icx.cfg Found candidate GCC installation: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/8 Selected GCC installation: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/8 Candidate multilib: .;@m64 Candidate multilib: 32;@m32 Selected multilib: .;@m64 (in-process) "/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2024.2/bin/compiler/clang" -cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -E -disable-free -clear-ast-before-backend -disable-llvm-verifier -discard-value-names -main-file-name null -mrelocation-model static -fveclib=SVML -faltmathlib=SVMLAltMathLibrary -mframe-pointer=none -fapprox-func -funsafe-math-optimizations -fno-signed-zeros -mreassociate -freciprocal-math -fdenormal-fp-math=preserve-sign,preserve-sign -ffp-contract=fast -fno-rounding-math -complex-range=promoted -mconstructor-aliases -funwind-tables=2 -target-cpu x86-64 -mllvm -x86-enable-unaligned-vector-move=true -tune-cpu generic -debugger-tuning=gdb -fdebug-compilation-dir=/home/sookuu/Calculation/ito_s -v -fcoverage-compilation-dir=/home/sookuu/Calculation/ito_s -fclang-abi-compat=17 -resource-dir /opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2024.2/lib/clang/19 -I/opt/intel/oneapi/tbb/2021.13/env/../include -I/opt/intel/oneapi/mpi/2021.13/include -I/opt/intel/oneapi/mkl/2024.2/include -I/opt/intel/oneapi/ippcp/2021.12/include -I/opt/intel/oneapi/ipp/2021.12/include -I/opt/intel/oneapi/dpl/2022.6/include -I/opt/intel/oneapi/dpcpp-ct/2024.2/include -I/opt/intel/oneapi/dnnl/2024.2/include -I/opt/intel/oneapi/dev-utilities/2024.2/include -I/opt/intel/oneapi/dal/2024.5/include/dal -I/opt/intel/oneapi/ccl/2021.13/include -internal-isystem /opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2024.2/bin/compiler/../../opt/compiler/include -internal-isystem /opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2024.2/lib/clang/19/include -internal-isystem /usr/local/include -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/8/../../../../x86_64-redhat-linux/include -internal-externc-isystem /include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include -O2 -ferror-limit 19 -fheinous-gnu-extensions -fgnuc-version=4.2.1 -fskip-odr-check-in-gmf -fcolor-diagnostics -vectorize-loops -vectorize-slp -mllvm -disable-hir-generate-mkl-call -mllvm -loopopt=1 -floopopt-pipeline=light -mllvm -intel-abi-compatible=true -D__GCC_HAVE_DWARF2_CFI_ASM=1 -fintel-compatibility -fintel-libirc-allowed -fintel-libimf-allowed -o - -x c /dev/null clang -cc1 version 19.0.0git based upon LLVM 19.0.0git default target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu ignoring nonexistent directory "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/8/../../../../x86_64-redhat-linux/include" ignoring nonexistent directory "/include" #include "..." search starts here: #include <...> search starts here: /opt/intel/oneapi/tbb/2021.13/env/../include /opt/intel/oneapi/mpi/2021.13/include /opt/intel/oneapi/mkl/2024.2/include /opt/intel/oneapi/ippcp/2021.12/include /opt/intel/oneapi/ipp/2021.12/include /opt/intel/oneapi/dpl/2022.6/include /opt/intel/oneapi/dpcpp-ct/2024.2/include /opt/intel/oneapi/dnnl/2024.2/include /opt/intel/oneapi/dev-utilities/2024.2/include /opt/intel/oneapi/dal/2024.5/include/dal /opt/intel/oneapi/ccl/2021.13/include /opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2024.2/bin/compiler/../../opt/compiler/include /opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2024.2/lib/clang/19/include /usr/local/include /usr/include End of search list. # 1 "/dev/null" # 1 "<built-in>" 1 # 1 "<built-in>" 3 # 391 "<built-in>" 3 # 1 "<command line>" 1 # 1 "<built-in>" 2 # 1 "/dev/null" 2 ```
Best, Shunichiro
Re: OpenMX 3.9 Installation on an AlmaLinux 8.7 system with Intel oneAPI 2024.2 ( No.14 ) |
- Date: 2024/08/12 16:28
- Name: Naoya Yamaguchi
- Dear Ito-san,
Thanks for the output results. From this information, we can see that the compiler will properly look for the directory containing the header files. Therefore, I think there is some problem with the system, especially with regard to permissions.
Can you show the output for the following commands?
1. `which mpiicx` 2. `stat /opt/intel/oneapi/mpi/2021.13` 3. `stat /opt/intel/oneapi/mpi/2021.13/include`
Regards, Naoya Yamaguchi
Re: OpenMX 3.9 Installation on an AlmaLinux 8.7 system with Intel oneAPI 2024.2 ( No.15 ) |
- Date: 2024/08/15 07:56
- Name: Shunichiro Ito
- Dear Naoya,
Thank you very much. Here are the outputs:
``` $ which mpiicx /usr/bin/which: no mpiicx in (/home/sookuu/.pyenv/plugins/pyenv-virtualenv/shims:/home/sookuu/.pyenv/shims:/home/sookuu/.pyenv/bin:/usr/local/qe-7.3.1/bin/:/home/sookuu/.local/bin:/home/sookuu/bin:/usr/local/molpro/molpro_2024.1/bin:/usr/share/Modules/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/gaussian16c01/gauopen:/usr/local/gaussian16c01/g16/bsd:/usr/local/gaussian16c01/g16:/opt/pbs/bin) ```
``` $ stat /opt/intel/oneapi/mpi/2021.13/ File: /opt/intel/oneapi/mpi/2021.13/ Size: 135 Blocks: 0 IO Block: 4096 directory Device: 824h/2084d Inode: 1649232405 Links: 10 Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x) Uid: ( 0/ root) Gid: ( 0/ root) Access: 2024-08-02 13:32:36.542571906 +0900 Modify: 2024-08-02 13:32:41.577505534 +0900 Change: 2024-08-02 13:32:41.577505534 +0900 Birth: 2024-08-02 13:32:36.542571906 +0900 ```
``` $ stat /opt/intel/oneapi/mpi/2021.13/include/ File: /opt/intel/oneapi/mpi/2021.13/include/ Size: 89 Blocks: 0 IO Block: 4096 directory Device: 824h/2084d Inode: 20360607 Links: 3 Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x) Uid: ( 0/ root) Gid: ( 0/ root) Access: 2024-08-02 13:32:39.186537052 +0900 Modify: 2024-08-02 13:32:41.577505534 +0900 Change: 2024-08-02 13:32:41.577505534 +0900 Birth: 2024-08-02 13:32:39.186537052 +0900 ```
Best, Shunichiro
Re: OpenMX 3.9 Installation on an AlmaLinux 8.7 system with Intel oneAPI 2024.2 ( No.16 ) |
- Date: 2024/08/15 13:04
- Name: Naoya Yamaguchi
- Dear Ito-san,
Are the preferences different from when the error first occurred?
It is reported that `mpiicx` is missing from the output of `which mpiicx`.
If the preferences are different, could you restore the earlier preferences and check again?
Regards, Naoya Yamaguchi
Re: OpenMX 3.9 Installation on an AlmaLinux 8.7 system with Intel oneAPI 2024.2 ( No.17 ) |
- Date: 2024/08/15 13:47
- Name: Shunichiro Ito
- Dear Naoya,
I am sorry for my mistake. Here are the correct outputs:
``` $ which mpiicx /opt/intel/oneapi/mpi/2021.13/bin/mpiicx ```
``` $ stat /opt/intel/oneapi/mpi/2021.13/ File: /opt/intel/oneapi/mpi/2021.13/ Size: 135 Blocks: 0 IO Block: 4096 directory Device: 824h/2084d Inode: 1649232405 Links: 10 Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x) Uid: ( 0/ root) Gid: ( 0/ root) Access: 2024-08-02 13:32:36.542571906 +0900 Modify: 2024-08-02 13:32:41.577505534 +0900 Change: 2024-08-02 13:32:41.577505534 +0900 Birth: 2024-08-02 13:32:36.542571906 +0900 ```
``` $ stat /opt/intel/oneapi/mpi/2021.13/include/ File: /opt/intel/oneapi/mpi/2021.13/include/ Size: 89 Blocks: 0 IO Block: 4096 directory Device: 824h/2084d Inode: 20360607 Links: 3 Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x) Uid: ( 0/ root) Gid: ( 0/ root) Access: 2024-08-02 13:32:39.186537052 +0900 Modify: 2024-08-02 13:32:41.577505534 +0900 Change: 2024-08-02 13:32:41.577505534 +0900 Birth: 2024-08-02 13:32:39.186537052 +0900 ```
Best, Shunichiro
Re: OpenMX 3.9 Installation on an AlmaLinux 8.7 system with Intel oneAPI 2024.2 ( No.18 ) |
- Date: 2024/08/16 00:40
- Name: Naoya Yamaguchi
- Dear Ito-san,
Thank you for your report. Permissions to the directories appear to be fine.
In that environment, please run `make install` again to see if it does not work, and then execute `stat /opt/intel/oneapi/mpi/2021.13/include/mpi.h`. Can you show the output?
Regards, Naoya Yamaguchi
Re: OpenMX 3.9 Installation on an AlmaLinux 8.7 system with Intel oneAPI 2024.2 ( No.19 ) |
- Date: 2024/08/16 15:30
- Name: Shunichiro Ito
- Dear Naoya,
I deeply appreciate your support. I did `make install` but got the same error again. I didn't find any difference in the output of `stat /opt/intel/oneapi/mpi/2021.13/include/mpi.h` before and after `make install`. Here are the results:
``` $ stat /opt/intel/oneapi/mpi/2021.13/include/mpi.h File: /opt/intel/oneapi/mpi/2021.13/include/mpi.h Size: 243094 Blocks: 480 IO Block: 4096 regular file Device: 824h/2084d Inode: 20360608 Links: 1 Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: ( 0/ root) Gid: ( 0/ root) Access: 1970-01-01 09:00:00.000000000 +0900 Modify: 2024-05-15 23:29:58.000000000 +0900 Change: 2024-08-02 13:32:41.576505547 +0900 Birth: 2024-08-02 13:32:39.186537052 +0900
$ sudo make install [sudo] password for xxxxxx: mpiicx -O3 -xHOST -qopenmp -fcommon -Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration -Wno-error=implicit-int -I/opt/intel/oneapi/mkl/2024.2/include/fftw -I./elpa-2018.05.001 -c openmx.c In file included from openmx.c:67: ./openmx_common.h:114:10: fatal error: 'mpi.h' file not found 114 | #include "mpi.h" | ^~~~~~~ 1 error generated. make: *** [makefile:228: openmx.o] Error 1 sookuu@sookuu [/usr/local/openmx3.9/source]
$ stat /opt/intel/oneapi/mpi/2021.13/include/mpi.h File: /opt/intel/oneapi/mpi/2021.13/include/mpi.h Size: 243094 Blocks: 480 IO Block: 4096 regular file Device: 824h/2084d Inode: 20360608 Links: 1 Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: ( 0/ root) Gid: ( 0/ root) Access: 1970-01-01 09:00:00.000000000 +0900 Modify: 2024-05-15 23:29:58.000000000 +0900 Change: 2024-08-02 13:32:41.576505547 +0900 Birth: 2024-08-02 13:32:39.186537052 +0900 ```
Best, Shunichiro
Re: OpenMX 3.9 Installation on an AlmaLinux 8.7 system with Intel oneAPI 2024.2 ( No.20 ) |
- Date: 2024/08/17 03:02
- Name: Naoya Yamaguchi
- Dear Ito-san,
The cause is your operation, there is nothing wrong with your system or libraries. You are trying to install under `/usr/local`. `/usr/local` is often used as the installation destination when a user with administrative privileges installs on a system. It is especially used when installing from source, rather than using a package management tool such as `dnf`.
`/usr/local` is owned by `root`, so you run `sudo make install`. However, the necessary preferences are not done for `root`, and this issue occurred. This is supported by the lack of access history to `mpi.h`.
The solution is one of the following.
1. Install `openmx` under your home directory
2. Install `openmx` under `/usr/local` after switching the user to `root`
Solution 1 is the same as demonstrated in the installation manual.
In Solution 2, you should use `su` or login as `root`, instead of `sudo`.
My recommendation is Solution 1, and I think Solution 2 is possible if you are familiar with doing source installations against the system.
Regards, Naoya Yamaguchi
Re: OpenMX 3.9 Installation on an AlmaLinux 8.7 system with Intel oneAPI 2024.2 ( No.21 ) |
- Date: 2024/08/19 09:49
- Name: Shunichiro Ito
- Dear Naoya,
Solution 1 works well! It's my easy mistake... Thank you very much for your continuous support.
Best, Shunichiro