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How to use Mulliken charging data?
Date: 2025/02/07 14:48
Name: dena   <>

Hello everyone
I want to use the data related to the Mulliken charge that I have in the calculation output file. But I don't have any information in this field. Can friends advise me on how to use this information?
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Re: How to use Mulliken charging data? ( No.1 )
Date: 2025/02/08 12:47
Name: T. Ozaki


The Mulliken population is a way to estimate charge allocated to each atom, based on a projection onto
basis orbitals on the atom, and can be used how much electrons transfer from some atoms to other atoms.

However, since the Mulliken population depends on the choice of basis functions, we cannot rely on the
absolute value itself. Nevertheless, one may be able to discuss the difference of Mulliken population,
while keeping the basis functions. As such an example, you can follow the way in the paper:


Re: How to use Mulliken charging data? ( No.2 )
Date: 2025/02/09 02:14
Name: dena  <>

Thank you for your attention.

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