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How to use BoltzTrap2 interface with OpenMx
Date: 2025/02/26 22:25
Name: Dr Santu

Dear All,
I have seen that BoltzTrap is interfaced with OpenMx. But x_trance has some problem with openmx3.9 while using. It shows some error. There is a new version of BoltzTrap2 but I cannot find any tutorial on how to use BoltzTrap 2 with OpenMx. Can anybody please help me with this? Thank you.
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Re: How to use BoltzTrap2 interface with OpenMx ( No.1 )
Date: 2025/02/28 19:44
Name: Masanobu Miyata  <>

Hi. This is Miyata. I am in charge of developing the interface between OpenMX and BoltzTraP. The interface with BoltzTraP2 is scheduled to be implemented in the next version of OpenMX.
By the way, what kind of error is BoltzTraP giving you? If you could tell me the details, I might be able to help you resolve the problem.

Best regards,

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