opteron compilation error |
- Date: 2006/12/01 16:55
- Name: Aloysius
- Dear all,
I've encountered this problem when I was trying to compile OpenMX on an opteron machine, with the following in the makefile:
======= mpicc =/opt/cluster/mpich1-amd64-new/bin/mpicc CC =$(mpicc) -fast -I/opt/cluster/acml3.5.0_64/gnu64/include -I/opt/cluster/fftw-3.1.2/include -Dbraswrap LIB =-L/opt/cluster/acml3.5.0_64/gnu64/lib -lacml -L/opt/cluster/fftw-3.1.2/lib -lfftw3 -L/opt/gnome/lib64 -lg2c -lI77 -static =======
and got the following error:
====== Timetool.c(216): error: identifier "CLK_TCK" is undefined now->stime=(float)(ST.tms_utime+ST.tms_stime)/ (float)CLK_TCK; ^
Timetool.c(232): error: identifier "CLK_TCK" is undefined now->etime += (float)(ST.tms_utime+ST.tms_stime)/(float)CLK_TCK ^ ======
I would appreciate much help.
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