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errors in the inputfile
Date: 2007/06/27 10:02
Name: z.w. Zhu   <>

When I run openmx,a wrong information appears.I'm a beginner and it's appreciate for your answer.
Format error for Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates
Format error for Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates
Format error for Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinatesFormat error for Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates

errors in the inputfile
errors in the inputfileerrors in the inputfile

errors in the inputfile

It's my inputfile .
System.CurrrentDirectory /home/zuzu/work # default=./
System.Name FeMnFe
DATA.PATH /home/zuzu/openmx3.2/DFT_DATA/
level.of.stdout 1 # default=1 (1-3)
level.of.fileout 1 # default=1 (0-2)

# restart using *.rst

scf.restart off # on|off, default=off

# Definition of Atomic Species

Species.Number 5
Fe Fe5.0 Fe_LDA
Mn Mn5.0 Mn_LDA
O O4.0 O_LDA
C C4.0 C_LDA
H H4.0 H_LDA

# Atoms

Atoms.Number 71
Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates.Unit Ang # Ang|AU
<Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates # Unit=Ang.
1 Fe 0.3402700000 0.6597300000 0.5000000000 7.0 7.0
2 Fe 0.6597300000 0.3402700000 0.5000000000 7.0 7.0
3 Mn 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 8.0 7.0
4 O 0.3558100000 0.4865900000 0.3733000000 3.0 3.0
5 O 0.4865900000 0.3558100000 0.3733000000 3.0 3.0
6 O 0.4932100000 0.1363900000 0.6218000000 3.0 3.0
7 O 0.1363900000 0.4932100000 0.6218000000 3.0 3.0
8 O 0.1383500000 0.6232500000 0.3710000000 3.0 3.0
9 O 0.3767500000 0.8616500000 0.6290000000 3.0 3.0
10 O 0.6232500000 0.1383500000 0.3710000000 3.0 3.0
11 O 0.8616500000 0.3767500000 0.6290000000 3.0 3.0
12 O 0.5067900000 0.8636100000 0.3782000000 3.0 3.0
13 O 0.8636100000 0.5067900000 0.3782000000 3.0 3.0
14 O 0.6441900000 0.5134100000 0.6267000000 3.0 3.0
15 O 0.5134100000 0.6441900000 0.6267000000 3.0 3.0
16 C 0.0709000000 0.1533000000 0.1892000000 2.0 2.0
17 C 0.1533000000 0.0709000000 0.1892000000 2.0 2.0
18 C 0.1188000000 0.2526000000 0.0659000000 2.0 2.0
19 C 0.2526000000 0.1188000000 0.0659000000 2.0 2.0
20 C 0.0682000000 0.3682000000 0.0282000000 2.0 2.0
21 C 0.3682000000 0.0682000000 0.0282000000 2.0 2.0
22 C 0.4538000000 0.4538000000 0.4268000000 2.0 2.0
23 C 0.2321000000 0.2321000000 0.9909000000 2.0 2.0
24 C 0.3182000000 0.3182000000 0.8561000000 2.0 2.0
25 C 0.4631900000 0.0004100000 0.5738000000 2.0 2.0
26 C 0.0004100000 0.4631900000 0.5738000000 2.0 2.0
27 C 0.1448000000 0.9582000000 0.3017000000 2.0 2.0
28 C 0.0418000000 0.8552000000 0.6983000000 2.0 2.0
29 C 0.9582000000 0.1448000000 0.3017000000 2.0 2.0
30 C 0.8552000000 0.0418000000 0.6983000000 2.0 2.0
31 C 0.7679000000 0.7679000000 0.0091000000 2.0 2.0
32 C 0.6818000000 0.6818000000 0.1439000000 2.0 2.0
33 C 0.5368100000 0.9995900000 0.4262000000 2.0 2.0
34 C 0.9995900000 0.5368100000 0.4262000000 2.0 2.0
35 C 0.9291000000 0.8467000000 0.8108000000 2.0 2.0
36 C 0.8467000000 0.9291000000 0.8108000000 2.0 2.0
37 C 0.8812000000 0.7474000000 0.9341000000 2.0 2.0
38 C 0.7474000000 0.8812000000 0.9341000000 2.0 2.0
39 C 0.9318000000 0.6318000000 0.9718000000 2.0 2.0
40 C 0.6318000000 0.9318000000 0.9718000000 2.0 2.0
41 H 0.5462000000 0.5462000000 0.5732000000 0.5 0.5
42 H 0.0046000000 0.1980000000 0.3814000000 0.5 0.5
43 H 0.1980000000 0.0046000000 0.3814000000 0.5 0.5
44 H 0.1397000000 0.4639000000 0.0631000000 0.5 0.5
45 H 0.4639000000 0.1397000000 0.0631000000 0.5 0.5
46 H 0.4239000000 0.4239000000 0.8894000000 0.5 0.5
47 H 0.2407000000 0.3211000000 0.7923000000 0.5 0.5
48 H 0.3211000000 0.2407000000 0.7923000000 0.5 0.5
49 H 0.0665000000 0.3765000000 0.9247000000 0.5 0.5
50 H 0.3765000000 0.0665000000 0.9247000000 0.5 0.5
51 H 0.1681000000 0.8819000000 0.2672000000 0.5 0.5
52 H 0.0319000000 0.8931000000 0.3290000000 0.5 0.5
53 H 0.3327000000 0.9741000000 0.0770000000 0.5 0.5
54 H 0.1181000000 0.8319000000 0.7328000000 0.5 0.5
55 H 0.1069000000 0.9681000000 0.6710000000 0.5 0.5
56 H 0.0259000000 0.6673000000 0.9230000000 0.5 0.5
57 H 0.8819000000 0.1681000000 0.2672000000 0.5 0.5
58 H 0.8931000000 0.0319000000 0.3290000000 0.5 0.5
59 H 0.9741000000 0.3327000000 0.0770000000 0.5 0.5
60 H 0.8319000000 0.1181000000 0.7328000000 0.5 0.5
61 H 0.9681000000 0.1069000000 0.6710000000 0.5 0.5
62 H 0.6673000000 0.0259000000 0.9230000000 0.5 0.5
63 H 0.5761000000 0.5761000000 0.1106000000 0.5 0.5
64 H 0.7593000000 0.6789000000 0.2077000000 0.5 0.5
65 H 0.6789000000 0.7593000000 0.2077000000 0.5 0.5
66 H 0.9335000000 0.6235000000 0.0753000000 0.5 0.5
67 H 0.6235000000 0.9335000000 0.0753000000 0.5 0.5
68 H 0.9954000000 0.8020000000 0.6186000000 0.5 0.5
69 H 0.8020000000 0.9954000000 0.6186000000 0.5 0.5
70 H 0.8603000000 0.5361000000 0.9369000000 0.5 0.5
71 H 0.5361000000 0.8603000000 0.9369000000 0.5 0.5

Atoms.UnitVectors.Unit Ang # Ang|AU
+4.5315000000 -8.5715000000 +0.0000000000
+4.5315000000 +8.5715000000 +0.0000000000
-0.5882452019 +0.0000000000 +9.1962053360

# SCF or Electronic System

scf.SpinPolarization off # On|Off|NC
scf.ElectronicTemperature 100.0 # default=300 (K)

scf.energycutoff 250.0 # default=150 (Ry)

scf.maxIter 60 # default=40
scf.EigenvalueSolver cluster # DC|GDC|Cluster|Band
scf.Kgrid 1 1 1 # means 4x4x4
scf.Mixing.Type rmm-diis # Simple|Rmm-Diis|Gr-Pulay|Kerker|Rmm-Diisk
scf.Init.Mixing.Weight 0.10 # default=0.30
scf.Min.Mixing.Weight 0.001 # default=0.001
scf.Max.Mixing.Weight 0.400 # default=0.40
scf.Mixing.History 7 # default=5
scf.Mixing.StartPulay 5 # default=6
scf.criterion 1.0e-11 # default=1.0e-6 (Hartree)

# 1D FFT

1DFFT.NumGridK 900 # default=900
1DFFT.NumGridR 900 # default=900
1DFFT.EnergyCutoff 3200.0 # default=3600 (Ry)

# Orbital Optimization

orbitalOpt.Method off # Off|Unrestricted|Restricted
orbitalOpt.InitCoes Symmetrical # Symmetrical|Free
orbitalOpt.initPrefactor 0.1 # default=0.1
orbitalOpt.scf.maxIter 12 # default=12
orbitalOpt.MD.maxIter 2 # default=5
orbitalOpt.per.MDIter 2 # default=1000000
orbitalOpt.criterion 1.0e-4 # default=1.0e-4 (Hartree/borh)^2

# output of contracted orbitals

CntOrb.fileout off # on|off, default=off
Num.CntOrb.Atoms 1 # default=1

# SCF Order-N

orderN.HoppingRanges 4.0 # default=5.0 (Ang)
orderN.NumHoppings 1 # default=2

# MD or Geometry Optimization

MD.Type diis # Nomd|Opt|NVE|NVT_VS|NVT_NH
# Constraint_Opt|DIIS2|Constraint_DIIS2
MD.Opt.DIIS.History 4
MD.Opt.StartDIIS 5 # default=5
MD.maxIter 100 # default=1
MD.TimeStep 1.0 # default=0.5 (fs)
MD.Opt.criterion 1.0e-4 # default=1.0e-4 (Hartree/bohr)

# MO output

MO.fileout off # on|off, default=off
num.HOMOs 2 # default=1
num.LUMOs 2 # default=1

# DOS and PDOS

Dos.fileout off # on|off, default=off
Dos.Erange -10.0 10.0 # default = -20 20
Dos.Kgrid 1 1 1 # default = Kgrid1 Kgrid2 Kgrid3

# output Hamiltonian and overlap

HS.fileout off # on|off, default=off
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Re: errors in the inputfile ( No.1 )
Date: 2007/06/27 15:38
Name: Vasilii Artyukhov

Yep, I think it's there:

71 H 0.5361000000 0.8603000000 0.9369000000 0.5 0.5


Try removing the blank line.

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