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Bad installation
Date: 2006/05/05 06:34
Name: Pavel B Sorokin

Dear Dr.Ozaki,

Recently I've succesfully installed OpenMX 3.0 on PowerPC64 under Linux

I have used following makefile:
CC = mpicc -O3 -I/usr/local/include -I/home/psorokin/PWSCF/lib/lib -Dfftw2
LIB = -L/home/psorokin/PWSCF/lib/lib/ -lfftw -L/opt/intel/mkl/8.0.1/lib/64 -lmkl_lapack -lmkl_ipf -lguide -L/usr/lib -lpthread

(I removed -static because in the end of installation I have got message ": warning: Using 'gethostbyname' in statically linked applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking")

During the installation I've got following warning messages:

Poisson.c(165): warning #188: enumerated type mixed with another type
p = fftw_create_plan(Ng3, sgn3, FFTW_ESTIMATE);

Poisson.c(210): warning #188: enumerated type mixed with another type
p = fftw_create_plan(Ng2, sgn2, FFTW_ESTIMATE);

Poisson.c(392): warning #188: enumerated type mixed with another type
p = fftw_create_plan(Ng1, sgn1, FFTW_ESTIMATE);

mpicc -O3 -I/usr/local/include -I/home/psorokin/PWSCF/lib/lib -Dfftw2 -c Memory_Leak_test.c
Memory_Leak_test.c(311): warning #181: argument is incompatible with corresponding format string conversion
MD_iter,Used_CPU,(long int)(Used_VSZ),(long int)(Used_RSS));

Memory_Leak_test.c(311): warning #181: argument is incompatible with corresponding format string conversion
MD_iter,Used_CPU,(long int)(Used_VSZ),(long int)(Used_RSS));

Memory_Leak_test.c(321): warning #181: argument is incompatible with corresponding format string conversion
MD_iter,Used_CPU,(long int)(Used_VSZ),(long int)(Used_RSS));

Memory_Leak_test.c(321): warning #181: argument is incompatible with corresponding format string conversion
MD_iter,Used_CPU,(long int)(Used_VSZ),(long int)(Used_RSS));
mpicc -O3 -I/usr/local/include -I/home/psorokin/PWSCF/lib/lib -Dfftw2 -g -c -o TRAN_Allocate.o TRAN_Allocate.c
TRAN_Allocate.c(63): warning #592: variable "MP" is used before its value is set
TRAN_Set_MP(0, atomnum, WhatSpecies, Spe_Total_CNO, &NUM_c, MP);

TRAN_Allocate.c(130): warning #592: variable "MP" is used before its value is set
TRAN_Set_MP(0, atomnum_e[iside], WhatSpecies_e[iside], Spe_Total_CNO_e[iside], &num[iside], MP);

mpicc -O3 -I/usr/local/include -I/home/psorokin/PWSCF/lib/lib -Dfftw2 -g -c -o TRAN_DFT.o TRAN_DFT.c
TRAN_DFT.c(264): warning #592: variable "MP" is used before its value is set
TRAN_Set_MP(0, atomnum, WhatSpecies, Spe_Total_CNO, &NUM_c, MP);

TRAN_DFT.c(628): warning #181: argument is incompatible with corresponding format string conversion
printf("\n\ninternal error myid=%d itot=%d itotv=%d\n",myid,itot,itotv);

mpicc -O3 -I/usr/local/include -I/home/psorokin/PWSCF/lib/lib -Dfftw2 -g -c -o TRAN_DFT_Dosout.o TRAN_DFT_Dosout.c
TRAN_DFT_Dosout.c(266): warning #592: variable "MP" is used before its value is set
TRAN_Set_MP(0, atomnum, WhatSpecies, Spe_Total_CNO, &NUM_c, MP);
mpicc -O3 -I/usr/local/include -I/home/psorokin/PWSCF/lib/lib -Dfftw2 -g -c -o TRAN_Apply_Bias2e.o TRAN_Apply_Bias2e.c
mpicc -O3 -I/usr/local/include -I/home/psorokin/PWSCF/lib/lib -Dfftw2 -g -c -o TRAN_FFT_interpolation3c.o TRAN_FFT_interpolation3c.c
TRAN_FFT_interpolation3c.c(117): warning #188: enumerated type mixed with another type
p = fftw_create_plan(n_in, isign, FFTW_ESTIMATE); ^
mpicc -O3 -I/usr/local/include -I/home/psorokin/PWSCF/lib/lib -Dfftw2 -g -c -o TRAN_Set_SurfOverlap.o TRAN_Set_SurfOverlap.c
TRAN_Set_SurfOverlap.c(92): warning #592: variable "MP" is used before its value is set
TRAN_Set_MP(0, atomnum_e[iside], WhatSpecies_e[iside], Spe_Total_CNO_e[iside], &NUM, MP);
mpicc -O3 -I/usr/local/include -I/home/psorokin/PWSCF/lib/lib -Dfftw2 -g -c -o TRAN_Poisson.o TRAN_Poisson.c
TRAN_Poisson.c(192): warning #188: enumerated type mixed with another type
p = fftw_create_plan(Ngrid1,1,FFTW_ESTIMATE);

TRAN_Poisson.c(352): warning #188: enumerated type mixed with another type
p = fftw_create_plan(Ngrid1, -1, FFTW_ESTIMATE);

Tests of single molecule are going OK (C60, Methane) but bulk systems are completely wrong. For example I've tried to calculate test Graphite4.dat and I have got following information in the .out file

SCF= 1 NormRD= 1.000000000000 Uele= -8.328209977201
SCF= 2 NormRD= 117.247525494711 Uele= -23.121324302311
SCF= 3 NormRD= 107.246122926548 Uele= -23.121589710989
SCF= 4 NormRD= 103.905041745283 Uele= -23.121879479340
SCF= 5 NormRD= 116.715932046592 Uele= -23.122019168185
SCF= 6 NormRD= 108.960353300060 Uele= -23.124728744952
SCF= 7 NormRD= 102.860518575906 Uele= -23.371884898502
SCF= 8 NormRD= 117.662243091909 Uele= -23.344695536405
SCF= 9 NormRD= 104.364852470941 Uele= -23.291968454703
SCF= 10 NormRD= 96.647623466883 Uele= -23.417213693021
SCF= 11 NormRD= 112.334841260325 Uele= -23.366815994198
SCF= 12 NormRD= 107.092488187564 Uele= -23.371461317446
SCF= 13 NormRD= 89.885821607466 Uele= -23.396662225910
SCF= 14 NormRD= 105.051658839603 Uele= -23.353857776312
SCF= 15 NormRD= 88.165454644081 Uele= -23.371804548403
SCF= 16 NormRD= 112.627153454693 Uele= -23.403992308777
SCF= 17 NormRD= 82.298342135892 Uele= -23.371752844883
SCF= 18 NormRD= 69.197719490241 Uele= -23.477924594956
SCF= 19 NormRD= 105.636044706137 Uele= -23.373022227007
SCF= 20 NormRD= 76.682938030309 Uele= -23.387330972539
SCF= 21 NormRD= 80.379543761741 Uele= -23.378902892004
SCF= 22 NormRD= 74.311077301857 Uele= -23.363916230924
SCF= 23 NormRD= 99.971758253256 Uele= -23.337197778518
SCF= 24 NormRD= 77.539644106360 Uele= -23.287369298433
SCF= 25 NormRD= 86.234118885942 Uele= -23.245501909169
SCF= 26 NormRD= 96.407086676516 Uele= -23.223952201508
SCF= 27 NormRD= 86.972621298055 Uele= -23.284498911699
SCF= 28 NormRD= 72.538401693290 Uele= -23.302578606646
SCF= 29 NormRD= 82.343612335315 Uele= -23.300886472078
SCF= 30 NormRD= 0.000000000000 Uele= -23.250771118979

I thought that problem with fftw2.1.5 library, so I've installed fftw3.1.1 and I’ve changed my makefile:

CC = mpicc -O3 -I/usr/local/include -I$(HOME)/include -I/opt/intel/mkl/8.0.1/include
LIB = -L$(HOME)/lib -lfftw3 -L/opt/intel/mkl/8.0.1/lib/64 -lmkl_lapack -lmkl_ipf -lguide -L/usr/lib -lpthread

During this installation I've got following warnings:

mpicc -O3 -I/usr/local/include -I/nethome/psorokin/include -I/opt/intel/mkl/8.0.1/include -c Memory_Leak_test.c
Memory_Leak_test.c(311): warning #181: argument is incompatible with corresponding format string conversion
MD_iter,Used_CPU,(long int)(Used_VSZ),(long int)(Used_RSS));

Memory_Leak_test.c(311): warning #181: argument is incompatible with corresponding format string conversion
MD_iter,Used_CPU,(long int)(Used_VSZ),(long int)(Used_RSS));

Memory_Leak_test.c(321): warning #181: argument is incompatible with corresponding format string conversion
MD_iter,Used_CPU,(long int)(Used_VSZ),(long int)(Used_RSS));

Memory_Leak_test.c(321): warning #181: argument is incompatible with corresponding format string conversion
MD_iter,Used_CPU,(long int)(Used_VSZ),(long int)(Used_RSS));
mpicc -O3 -I/usr/local/include -I/nethome/psorokin/include -I/opt/intel/mkl/8.0.1/include -g -c -o TRAN_Allocate.o TRAN_Allocate.c
TRAN_Allocate.c(63): warning #592: variable "MP" is used before its value is set
TRAN_Set_MP(0, atomnum, WhatSpecies, Spe_Total_CNO, &NUM_c, MP);

TRAN_Allocate.c(130): warning #592: variable "MP" is used before its value is set
TRAN_Set_MP(0, atomnum_e[iside], WhatSpecies_e[iside], Spe_Total_CNO_e[iside], &num[iside], MP);

mpicc -O3 -I/usr/local/include -I/nethome/psorokin/include -I/opt/intel/mkl/8.0.1/include -g -c -o TRAN_DFT.o TRAN_DFT.c
TRAN_DFT.c(264): warning #592: variable "MP" is used before its value is set
TRAN_Set_MP(0, atomnum, WhatSpecies, Spe_Total_CNO, &NUM_c, MP);

TRAN_DFT.c(628): warning #181: argument is incompatible with corresponding format string conversion
printf("\n\ninternal error myid=%d itot=%d itotv=%d\n",myid,itot,itotv);

mpicc -O3 -I/usr/local/include -I/nethome/psorokin/include -I/opt/intel/mkl/8.0.1/include -g -c -o TRAN_DFT_Dosout.o TRAN_DFT_Dosout.c
TRAN_DFT_Dosout.c(266): warning #592: variable "MP" is used before its value is set
TRAN_Set_MP(0, atomnum, WhatSpecies, Spe_Total_CNO, &NUM_c, MP);
mpicc -O3 -I/usr/local/include -I/nethome/psorokin/include -I/opt/intel/mkl/8.0.1/include -g -c -o TRAN_Set_SurfOverlap.o TRAN_Set_SurfOverlap.c
TRAN_Set_SurfOverlap.c(92): warning #592: variable "MP" is used before its value is set
TRAN_Set_MP(0, atomnum_e[iside], WhatSpecies_e[iside], Spe_Total_CNO_e[iside], &NUM, MP);

But, unfortunately Graphite4.out is bad again:

SCF= 1 NormRD= 1.000000000000 Uele= -8.328209977201
SCF= 2 NormRD= 117.247526383789 Uele= -23.121324302311
SCF= 3 NormRD= 107.246120911022 Uele= -23.121589710921
SCF= 4 NormRD= 103.904570651599 Uele= -23.121879479595
SCF= 5 NormRD= 116.715710755965 Uele= -23.122019171564
SCF= 6 NormRD= 108.955617961415 Uele= -23.124728740528
SCF= 7 NormRD= 96.090023771147 Uele= -23.372116307880
SCF= 8 NormRD= 107.591942163510 Uele= -23.332020324686
SCF= 9 NormRD= 92.518581360667 Uele= -23.310118220260
SCF= 10 NormRD= 123.852188238046 Uele= -23.348691990214
SCF= 11 NormRD= 89.934568029114 Uele= -23.327653433568
SCF= 12 NormRD= 91.342384668563 Uele= -23.276789211650
SCF= 13 NormRD= 93.796245975876 Uele= -23.355185611956
SCF= 14 NormRD= 83.351900887817 Uele= -23.349383982593
SCF= 15 NormRD= 107.317719085466 Uele= -23.423890881401
SCF= 16 NormRD= 94.744896332886 Uele= -23.486502056753
SCF= 17 NormRD= 84.870763071192 Uele= -23.505522707202
SCF= 18 NormRD= 87.341705119117 Uele= -23.495013505268
SCF= 19 NormRD= 98.038362305521 Uele= -23.535335873553
SCF= 20 NormRD= 84.517777433084 Uele= -23.530797339268
SCF= 21 NormRD= 89.420100353428 Uele= -23.539391309593
SCF= 22 NormRD= 99.125838959716 Uele= -23.550268004055
SCF= 23 NormRD= 99.093634499054 Uele= -23.581898546389
SCF= 24 NormRD= 75.145103427485 Uele= -23.576647625233
SCF= 25 NormRD= 69.813281079911 Uele= -23.683503085430
SCF= 26 NormRD= 75.495254871876 Uele= -23.696382201013
SCF= 27 NormRD= 102.410666061286 Uele= -23.610905051588
SCF= 28 NormRD= 92.601819769462 Uele= -23.651617588352
SCF= 29 NormRD= 83.086281349135 Uele= -23.657035807534
SCF= 30 NormRD= 0.000000000000 Uele= -23.599782551611

Please help me!

Page: [1]

Re: Bad installation ( No.1 )
Date: 2006/05/08 22:25
Name: T.Ozaki


Your "SCF= 1 NormRD= 1.000000000000 Uele= -8.328209977201"
suggests that the first SCF was successful.
I guess that there is a possible bug in the mixing
routine or some grid operation routines.
Please let me know what happens when you calculate other bulk

Thank you for your cooperation in advance.


Re: Bad installation ( No.2 )
Date: 2006/05/09 01:35
Name: Pavel B Sorokin

Dear Dr.Ozaki,

Thank you for your help.

I have the same situation with other systems:

Crys-MnO_LDA+U (detailed report)

Welcome to OpenMX Ver. 3.0
Truncation and setting of grids

<truncation> Logically truncation of the whole system
TFNAN= 176 Average FNAN= 44.00000
TSNAN= 0 Average SNAN= 0.00000
<logical truncation> myid= 0 CpyCell= 1 ct_AN= 1 FNAN SNAN 49 0
<logical truncation> myid= 0 CpyCell= 1 ct_AN= 2 FNAN SNAN 49 0
<logical truncation> myid= 0 CpyCell= 1 ct_AN= 3 FNAN SNAN 38 0
<logical truncation> myid= 0 CpyCell= 1 ct_AN= 4 FNAN SNAN 40 0
TFNAN= 270 Average FNAN= 67.50000
TSNAN= 0 Average SNAN= 0.00000
<logical truncation> myid= 0 CpyCell= 2 ct_AN= 1 FNAN SNAN 79 0
<logical truncation> myid= 0 CpyCell= 2 ct_AN= 2 FNAN SNAN 80 0
<logical truncation> myid= 0 CpyCell= 2 ct_AN= 3 FNAN SNAN 55 0
<logical truncation> myid= 0 CpyCell= 2 ct_AN= 4 FNAN SNAN 56 0
TFNAN= 270 Average FNAN= 67.50000
TSNAN= 0 Average SNAN= 0.00000
<logical truncation> myid= 0 CpyCell= 3 ct_AN= 1 FNAN SNAN 79 0
<logical truncation> myid= 0 CpyCell= 3 ct_AN= 2 FNAN SNAN 80 0
<logical truncation> myid= 0 CpyCell= 3 ct_AN= 3 FNAN SNAN 55 0
<logical truncation> myid= 0 CpyCell= 3 ct_AN= 4 FNAN SNAN 56 0
TFNAN= 270 Average FNAN= 67.50000
TSNAN= 0 Average SNAN= 0.00000
<logical truncation> myid= 0 CpyCell= 3 ct_AN= 1 FNAN SNAN 79 0
<logical truncation> myid= 0 CpyCell= 3 ct_AN= 2 FNAN SNAN 80 0
<logical truncation> myid= 0 CpyCell= 3 ct_AN= 3 FNAN SNAN 55 0
<logical truncation> myid= 0 CpyCell= 3 ct_AN= 4 FNAN SNAN 56 0
<Check_System> The system is bulk
lattice vectors (bohr)
A = 8.381000000000, 4.190500000000, 4.190500000000
B = 4.190500000000, 8.381000000000, 4.190500000000
C = 4.190500000000, 4.190500000000, 8.381000000000
reciprocal lattice vectors (bohr^-1)
RA = 1.124540980882, -0.374846993627, -0.374846993627
RB = -0.374846993627, 1.124540980882, -0.374846993627
RB = -0.374846993627, -0.374846993627, 1.124540980882
Trial cutoff energies (a,b,c) = 98.919 (16), 98.919 (16), 98.919 (16)
Trial cutoff energies (a,b,c) = 395.677 (32), 395.677 (32), 395.677 (32)
UCell_Box: Cutoff=395.676916(32) 395.676916(32) 395.676916(32)
UCell_Box: (tuned) Cutoff=154.561295(20) 154.561295(20) 154.561295(20)
Required cutoff energy (Ryd) for 3D-grids = 140.0000
Used cutoff energy (Ryd) for 3D-grids = 154.5613, 154.5613, 154.5613
Num. of grids of a-, b-, and c-axes = 20, 20, 20
Cell_Volume = 294.345585170500 (Bohr^3)
GridVol = 0.036793198146 (Bohr^3)
Cell vectors (bohr) of the grid cell (gtv)
gtv_a = 0.419050000000, 0.209525000000, 0.209525000000
gtv_b = 0.209525000000, 0.419050000000, 0.209525000000
gtv_c = 0.209525000000, 0.209525000000, 0.419050000000
|gtv_a| = 0.513229338357
|gtv_b| = 0.513229338357
|gtv_c| = 0.513229338357
Num. of grids overlapping with atom 1 = 18959
Num. of grids overlapping with atom 2 = 18909
Num. of grids overlapping with atom 3 = 10364
Num. of grids overlapping with atom 4 = 10364

SCF calculation at MD = 1

<MD= 1> Calculation of the overlap matrix
<MD= 1> Calculation of the nonlocal matrix
<MD= 1> Calculation of the VNA projector matrix

******************* MD= 1 SCF= 1 *******************
<Set_Hamiltonian> Hamiltonian matrix for VNA+dVH+Vxc...
<Band> Eigenvalue problem...
KGrids1: -0.250000 0.250000
KGrids2: -0.250000 0.250000
KGrids3: -0.250000 0.250000
<Band_DFT> Eigen, time=0.017842
<Band_DFT> DM, time=0.475579
Atom 1 MulP 6.7833 7.5803 sum 14.3636 diff -0.7970
Atom 2 MulP 6.7084 6.5896 sum 13.2980 diff 0.1187
Atom 3 MulP 2.5011 2.5854 sum 5.0865 diff -0.0843
Atom 4 MulP 3.0072 2.2447 sum 5.2519 diff 0.7625
<DFT> Total spin S = -0.000000000000
<DFT> Mixing_weight= 0.010000000000
<DFT> Uele = -33.709596885767 dUele = 43.709596885767
<DFT> NormRD = 1.000000000000 Criterion = 0.000000000100

******************* MD= 1 SCF= 2 *******************
<Poisson> Poisson's equation using FFT...
<Set_Hamiltonian> Hamiltonian matrix for VNA+dVH+Vxc...
<Band> Eigenvalue problem...
KGrids1: -0.250000 0.250000
KGrids2: -0.250000 0.250000
KGrids3: -0.250000 0.250000
<Band_DFT> Eigen, time=0.011660
<Band_DFT> DM, time=0.039799
Atom 1 MulP 6.8340 6.6162 sum 13.4502 diff 0.2178
Atom 2 MulP 7.0495 7.4334 sum 14.4829 diff -0.3838
Atom 3 MulP 2.5434 2.7678 sum 5.3112 diff -0.2243
Atom 4 MulP 2.5730 2.1827 sum 4.7557 diff 0.3904
<DFT> Total spin S = -0.000000000000
<DFT> Mixing_weight= 0.010000000000
<DFT> Uele = -53.537449587839 dUele = 19.827852702072
<DFT> NormRD = 47.227448382576 Criterion = 0.000000000100


******************* MD= 1 SCF=198 *******************
<Poisson> Poisson's equation using FFT...
<Set_Hamiltonian> Hamiltonian matrix for VNA+dVH+Vxc...
<Band> Eigenvalue problem...
KGrids1: -0.250000 0.250000
KGrids2: -0.250000 0.250000
KGrids3: -0.250000 0.250000
<Band_DFT> Eigen, time=0.011587
<Band_DFT> DM, time=0.039662
Atom 1 MulP 7.3317 6.3426 sum 13.6743 diff 0.9892
Atom 2 MulP 6.9278 7.9225 sum 14.8503 diff -0.9947
Atom 3 MulP 2.0033 2.3253 sum 4.3286 diff -0.3220
Atom 4 MulP 2.7372 2.4096 sum 5.1468 diff 0.3276
<DFT> Total spin S = 0.000000000000
<DFT> Mixing_weight= 0.200000000000
<DFT> Uele = -48.944556032896 dUele = 0.061125626628
<DFT> NormRD = 40.320871430170 Criterion = 0.000000000100

******************* MD= 1 SCF=199 *******************
<Poisson> Poisson's equation using FFT...
<Set_Hamiltonian> Hamiltonian matrix for VNA+dVH+Vxc...
<Band> Eigenvalue problem...
KGrids1: -0.250000 0.250000
KGrids2: -0.250000 0.250000
KGrids3: -0.250000 0.250000
<Band_DFT> Eigen, time=0.011618
<Band_DFT> DM, time=0.039665
Atom 1 MulP 6.9330 7.0086 sum 13.9416 diff -0.0756
Atom 2 MulP 6.5236 7.2012 sum 13.7248 diff -0.6776
Atom 3 MulP 2.8693 2.5529 sum 5.4222 diff 0.3165
Atom 4 MulP 2.6741 2.2374 sum 4.9115 diff 0.4367
<DFT> Total spin S = 0.000000000000
<DFT> Mixing_weight= 0.200000000000
<DFT> Uele = -48.979254771641 dUele = 0.034698738745
<DFT> NormRD = 29.690475257400 Criterion = 0.000000000100

******************* MD= 1 SCF=200 *******************
<Poisson> Poisson's equation using FFT...
<Set_Hamiltonian> Hamiltonian matrix for VNA+dVH+Vxc..
<Band> Eigenvalue problem...
KGrids1: -0.250000 0.250000
KGrids2: -0.250000 0.250000
KGrids3: -0.250000 0.250000
<Band_DFT> Eigen, time=0.011604
<Band_DFT> DM, time=0.039747
Atom 1 MulP 7.2084 7.9341 sum 15.1425 diff -0.7257
Atom 2 MulP 6.8508 6.4042 sum 13.2550 diff 0.4466
Atom 3 MulP 2.4191 2.5774 sum 4.9966 diff -0.1583
Atom 4 MulP 2.5217 2.0842 sum 4.6059 diff 0.4374
<DFT> Total spin S = 0.000000000000
<DFT> Mixing_weight= 0.200000000000
<DFT> Uele = -48.999098129454 dUele = 0.019843357813
<DFT> NormRD = 0.000000000000 Criterion = 0.000000000100
<MD= 1> Force calculation
Force calculation #1
Force calculation #2
Force calculation #3
Force calculation #5
Force calculation for LDA_U with dual
<MD= 1> Double-counting Energy
Force calculation #6
Force calculation #7

Dipole moment (Debye)

Absolute D 43.15299196

Dx Dy Dz
Total -27.22966321 5.89928934 -32.95336921
Core 276.19266597 215.58977413 80.42852437
Electron -303.42232918 -209.69048479 -113.38189358
Back ground -0.00000000 -0.00000000 -0.00000000

Total Energy (Hartree) at MD = 1

Uele = -48.999098129454

Ukin = 115.213592388118
UH0 = -1894.584902122699
UH1 = 1.083026423129
Una = -50.777730443504
Unl = -49.564529032955
Uxc0 = -15.123742824290
Uxc1 = -15.114637151967
Ucore = 1745.041093580474
Uhub = 0.303322357031
Ucs = 0.000000000000
Uef = 0.000000000000
Utot = -163.524506826662


atom= 1, XYZ(ang) Fxyz(a.u.)= 0.1673 0.2053 0.2697 -0.2795 0.2058 -0.1670
atom= 2, XYZ(ang) Fxyz(a.u.)= 2.2018 2.2254 0.0198 0.5119 -0.2552 -0.6434
atom= 3, XYZ(ang) Fxyz(a.u.)= 2.2034 -0.0100 -0.0109 0.4592 0.3244 0.3549
atom= 4, XYZ(ang) Fxyz(a.u.)= 2.2157 2.2282 2.2038 0.0584 -0.3480 0.4466

and mno_lda+u.out

SCF= 1 NormRD= 1.000000000000 Uele= -33.709596885767
SCF= 2 NormRD= 47.227448382576 Uele= -53.537449587839
SCF= 3 NormRD= 50.839563299265 Uele= -53.461230510972
SCF= 4 NormRD= 44.552532414242 Uele= -53.429738401450
SCF= 5 NormRD= 46.038537139966 Uele= -53.136132938886
SCF= 6 NormRD= 41.668344599472 Uele= -52.975536937500
SCF= 7 NormRD= 43.045612594865 Uele= -52.242442532541
SCF= 8 NormRD= 40.157679348779 Uele= -52.030739878588
SCF= 9 NormRD= 33.623087512967 Uele= -51.222586609515
SCF= 10 NormRD= 36.359287759290 Uele= -50.470280258187
SCF= 190 NormRD= 29.512533593570 Uele= -48.821764099605
SCF= 191 NormRD= 30.813319466518 Uele= -49.123310036796
SCF= 192 NormRD= 25.560566959356 Uele= -49.075866524637
SCF= 193 NormRD= 30.602820684243 Uele= -49.085498990093
SCF= 194 NormRD= 29.924088707475 Uele= -49.024178384981
SCF= 195 NormRD= 34.693407945677 Uele= -49.018108682607
SCF= 196 NormRD= 29.486450639282 Uele= -49.077197148542
SCF= 197 NormRD= 28.734146701106 Uele= -49.005681659524
SCF= 198 NormRD= 40.320871430170 Uele= -48.944556032896
SCF= 199 NormRD= 29.690475257400 Uele= -48.979254771641
SCF= 200 NormRD= 0.000000000000 Uele= -48.999098129454


SCF= 1 NormRD= 1.000000000000 Uele= -3.529415951741
SCF= 2 NormRD= 0.669408179287 Uele= -3.433379921260
SCF= 3 NormRD= 0.435563011854 Uele= -3.371270471007
SCF= 4 NormRD= 0.304020114342 Uele= -3.311997067965
SCF= 5 NormRD= 0.203261292015 Uele= -3.274128589883
SCF= 6 NormRD= 0.205971650555 Uele= -3.234828132757
SCF= 7 NormRD= 0.225078209372 Uele= -3.228975805387
SCF= 8 NormRD= 0.174153988426 Uele= -3.226891134082
SCF= 9 NormRD= 0.204664091471 Uele= -3.230435145703
SCF= 10 NormRD= 0.172977861630 Uele= -3.229946023693
SCF= 90 NormRD= 0.187385544155 Uele= -3.199924344848
SCF= 91 NormRD= 0.171609263616 Uele= -3.199892634358
SCF= 92 NormRD= 0.224227180058 Uele= -3.204157107248
SCF= 93 NormRD= 0.239166145374 Uele= -3.204026469368
SCF= 94 NormRD= 0.224960372767 Uele= -3.204226133637
SCF= 95 NormRD= 0.218442492337 Uele= -3.204016809706
SCF= 96 NormRD= 0.201482571259 Uele= -3.210622452338
SCF= 97 NormRD= 0.202586061768 Uele= -3.211083902393
SCF= 98 NormRD= 0.191303254000 Uele= -3.209206369346
SCF= 99 NormRD= 0.200329688325 Uele= -3.208862971481
SCF= 100 NormRD= 0.000000000000 Uele= -3.208621176579


SCF= 1 NormRD= 1.000000000000 Uele= -48.849059725526
SCF= 2 NormRD= 34.981113409720 Uele= -49.574586522342
SCF= 3 NormRD= 34.610390051467 Uele= -49.628802888660
SCF= 4 NormRD= 34.725480708716 Uele= -50.333167178529
SCF= 5 NormRD= 35.206841813210 Uele= -50.693694602612
SCF= 6 NormRD= 35.005597745813 Uele= -50.838451427208
SCF= 7 NormRD= 31.026332925523 Uele= -55.657601950464
SCF= 8 NormRD= 31.981894770450 Uele= -59.997462114255
SCF= 9 NormRD= 30.755519304647 Uele= -61.991849070906
SCF= 10 NormRD= 29.289668907831 Uele= -65.775456202809
SCF= 11 NormRD= 28.792978797505 Uele= -69.697600796775
SCF= 12 NormRD= 9.313842556126 Uele= -73.411020648152
SCF= 13 NormRD= 11.938592165280 Uele= -93.510150223102
SCF= 14 NormRD= 4.539435836582 Uele= -127.812190871774
SCF= 15 NormRD= 2.786743371470 Uele= -134.540058161546
SCF= 16 NormRD= 2.746277279340 Uele= -133.213276938198
SCF= 480 NormRD= 2.000595005593 Uele= -132.411614441164
SCF= 481 NormRD= 1.970651697833 Uele= -132.147950568875
SCF= 482 NormRD= 2.106318284796 Uele= -132.289764519629
SCF= 483 NormRD= 2.021201238609 Uele= -132.272318370572
SCF= 484 NormRD= 2.123057497836 Uele= -132.451212366270
SCF= 485 NormRD= 1.964055648665 Uele= -132.605098402164
SCF= 486 NormRD= 1.994135208036 Uele= -132.638769662592
SCF= 487 NormRD= 2.275356466603 Uele= -132.545047821492
SCF= 488 NormRD= 1.979142629992 Uele= -132.850934510806
SCF= 489 NormRD= 2.409653974334 Uele= -132.799851418883
SCF= 490 NormRD= 1.875284067264 Uele= -132.923829540472
SCF= 491 NormRD= 1.934292206873 Uele= -132.466782790958
SCF= 492 NormRD= 2.512883560626 Uele= -132.313004763917
SCF= 493 NormRD= 2.010049178688 Uele= -132.292835562411
SCF= 494 NormRD= 2.067427392440 Uele= -132.105251282684
SCF= 495 NormRD= 2.027715068109 Uele= -132.149584413246
SCF= 496 NormRD= 2.262016057135 Uele= -132.201551645702
SCF= 497 NormRD= 2.103660869177 Uele= -132.334677524072
SCF= 498 NormRD= 2.071667554656 Uele= -132.306736411172
SCF= 499 NormRD= 1.929824966190 Uele= -132.403485237889
SCF= 500 NormRD= 0.000000000000 Uele= -132.256390097545

Sincerely yours,
Pavel B Sorokin
Re: Bad installation ( No.3 )
Date: 2006/05/10 11:51
Name: T.Ozaki


Thank you for your detailed reports.

All the data you showed suggest that the first SCF step is OK,
but the second or more SCF steps suffer from a problem arising
on your environment.

Fixing the problem would require to reproduce it on the same kind
of environment. But I can not find an available PowerPC64 right now.

Sorry for your inconvenience.



Re: Bad installation ( No.4 )
Date: 2006/05/10 22:19
Name: jessK


To be more precisely, he (P.B.S.) meant Itanium 2 machine, not PPC. You can see his Makefile:

>CC = mpicc -O3 -I/usr/local/include -I$(HOME)/include -I/opt/intel/mkl/8.0.1/include
>LIB = -L$(HOME)/lib -lfftw3 -L/opt/intel/mkl/8.0.1/lib/64 -lmkl_lapack -lmkl_ipf -lguide -L/usr/lib -lpthread

Re: Bad installation ( No.5 )
Date: 2006/05/11 17:03
Name: T.Ozaki


I found the origin of the problem.

This is a specific problem for the intel icc compiler Version 9.0.
When "-O3" is used for icc Version 9.0 as compile option, the icc
compiler often optimizes a code incorrectly, and as a result the
executable file behaves in a unexpected mannar, although I am not
sure whether this is a bug of Version 9.0 or not.
(Note: I did not see the problem in Versions 7.0 and 8.0)

The solution is to use another option instead of "-O3".
I checked the effect of the compiler option for Version 9.0 and
obtained the following result.

icc (serial)
"-O1" works well
"-O2" works well
"-O3" no good for bulk systems
"-Os" works but does not work for some of input files
"-fast" works well

"-O1" works well
"-O2" works well
"-O3" no good for bulk systems
"-Os" works but does not work for some of input files
"-fast" fails to compile


Re: Bad installation ( No.6 )
Date: 2006/05/11 18:27
Name: Pavel B Sorokin

Dear Dr.Ozaki,

Thank you very much for your help!

Sincerely yours,
Pavel B Sorokin

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