openmx suspected memory leak? |
- Date: 2009/05/20 19:00
- Name: Alin M Elena
- Hi,
I try to run a big size geometry optimization with openmx 3.4.4 containing 3 species and 626 atoms (Si, H, P).
The code is compiled with intel c compiler 11.0.83 linked against fftw 3.2, mkl mvapich2-1.2p1.
I run it in hybrid mode with 2 mpi processes and 4 openmp threads each on 32 nodes each with 8 processors
export MKL_NUM_THREADS=4 export MV2_ENABLE_AFFINITY=0 mpiexec -npernode 2 openmx inp.dat -nt 4 > out
The program crashes after 21 hours with a segfault (We suspect a memory exhaustion on the system 16GiB).
The ,memory files report approx 2GiB usage each. The memory usage increases gradually during the run.
Any hints?
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