To proceed the installation of the serial version, move to the directory, 'source', and modify the makefile in 'source' to specify the compiler and libraries by CC and LIB. The default for the specification of CC and LIB in makefile is as follows:
CC = gcc -O3 -Dnompi -Dnoomp -I/usr/local/include -I/home/ozaki/include LIB = -L/usr/local/lib -lfftw3 -llapack -lblas -lg2c -staticwhere '-Dnompi' means that MPI is not used, and '-Dnoomp' means that OpenMP is not used. These options must be added if you want to generate the serial version in all cases when you change a compiler. You have to set the CC and LIB appropriately on your computational environment so that the compilation and linking can be correctly performed and the executable file can be well optimized. After specifying the CC and LIB, install as follows:
% make installWhen the compilation is completed normally, then you can find the executable file, openmx, in the directory, 'work'. You may change the compiler to make the executable file efficient, and if the intel compiler, icc, is used, the specification may be like this:
CC = icc -O3 -Dnompi -Dnoomp