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The electron densities, molecular orbitals, and potentials are output
to files in a Gaussian cube format. Figure 11 shows examples
of isosurface maps visualized by XCrySDen [61].
These data are output in a form of the Gaussian cube. So, many softwares,
such as Molekel [60] and XCrySDen [61],
can be used for the visualization.
One can find the details of output files in the cube format in
the Section 'Output files'.
Figure 11:
(a) Isosurface map of the total electron density of a C molecule
where 0.13 was used as isovalue of total electron density.
(b) Isosurface map of the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO)
of a glycine molecule
where was used as isovalue of the molecular orbital.
(b) Isosurface map of the spin electron density of a molecular magnet
(MnO(CHCOO)(HO) [62])
where was used as isovalue of the spin electron density.
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Previous: User definition of atomic