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The fully relativistic effects including the spin-orbit coupling
within the pseudopotential scheme can be included in the non-collinear
DFT calculations [10,19,13],
while the inclusion of the spin-orbit coupling is not supported in the collinear
DFT calculation. The inclusion of fully relativistic effects is made
by the following two steps:
(1) Making of j-dependent pseudopotentials
First, you are requested to generate j-dependent pseudopotentials
using ADPACK. For your convenience, the j-dependent pseudopotentials
are available for several elements in the database [65].
The details how to make the j-dependent pseudopotential are found in
the manual of ADPACK.
(2) SCF calculation
If you specify j-dependent pseudopotentials in the specification of
it is possible to include spin-orbit
coupling by the following keyword 'scf.SpinOrbit.Coupling':
scf.SpinOrbit.Coupling on # On|Off, default=off
Band structures of a bulk GaAs calculated by the non-collinear DFT
(a) without and (b) with the spin-orbit coupling.
In these calculations, Ga6.5-s2p2d1 and As6.5-s2p2d1 were used
as a basis set, and Ga_LDA.vps and As_LDA.vps were used for
pseudopotentials, which are stored in the database.
For the exchange-correlation terms, LDA was used.
We used 12
12 and 140 (Ryd)
for scf.Kgrid and scf.energycutoff,
Also the experimental value (5.65Å) was used for the lattice
The input file is GaAs.dat in the directory 'work'.
Then, the spin-orbit coupling can be self-consistently incorporated
within the pseudopotential scheme rather than a perturbation scheme.
Due to the spin-orbit coupling,
spin components
in the two components spinor can directly interact.
In order to determine the absolute spin orientation in the non-collinear
DFT calculations, you have to include the spin-orbit coupling, otherwise
the spin orientation is not uniquely determined in the real space.
As an illustration of spin-orbit splitting, we show band structures of
a bulk GaAs calculated by the non-collinear DFT without and with spin-orbit
coupling in Fig. 26, where the input file is GaAs.dat in the
directory 'work'.
In Fig. 26(b) we can see that there are spin-orbit
splittings in the band dispersion, while no spin-orbit splitting is not
observed in Fig. 26(a). The spin-orbit splittings at two k-points,
, are listed together with the other calculations
and experimental values in Table 3.
We see a good agreement in this table.
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