To analyze an effective interaction between spins located on two atomic sites,
an exchange coupling parameter between two localized spins can be evaluated
based on Green's function method [14,15].
In OpenMX Ver. 3.5 the evaluation is supported for only the collinear
calculations of cluster and bulk systems.
If you want to calculate the exchange coupling parameter
between two spins which are localized to different atomic sites,
you can calculate it by the following two steps:
(1) SCF calculation
First, you would perform a collinear DFT calculation using an input
file Fe2.dat in the directory 'work' as an example.
Then, you have to set the following keyword 'HS.fileout' as follows:
HS.fileout on # on|off, default=offWhen the execution is completed normally, then you can find a file 'fe2.scfout' in the directory 'work'.
% make jxWhen the compile is completed normally, then you can find an executable file 'jx' in the directory 'work'. The exchange coupling parameter can be calculated from the file '*.scfout' using the program 'jx' as follows:
% ./jx fe2.scfoutwhere an iron dimer is considered as an example. Then, you are interactively asked from the program as follow:
******************************************************************** ******************************************************************** jx: code for calculating an effective exchange coupling constant J Copyright (C), 2003, Myung Joon Han, Jaejun Yu, and Taisuke Ozaki This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under the constitution of the GNU-GPL. ******************************************************************** ******************************************************************** Read the scfout file (fe2.scfout) Previous eigenvalue solver = Cluster atomnum = 2 ChemP = 0.001924071047 (Hartree) E_Temp = 600.000000000000 (K) Evaluation of J based on cluster calculation Diagonalize the overlap matrix Diagonalize the Hamiltonian for spin= 0 Diagonalize the Hamiltonian for spin= 1 Specify two atoms (e.g 1 2, quit: 0 0) 1 2 J_ij between 1th atom and 2th atom is 949.978344353523 cm^{-1} Specify two atoms (e.g 1 2, quit: 0 0) 2 1 J_ij between 2th atom and 1th atom is 949.978344353523 cm^{-1} Specify two atoms (e.g 1 2, quit: 0 0) 0 0Please specify two atoms you want to calculate the exchange coupling parameter until typing '0 0'.