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Topics Author Replies Views Last Modified
A question about DOSs of Si & AlYonghong Zhao233602008/06/12 22:52
by Yonghong Zhao
Too violet variation of "Uele" value under Electric field calculation ?Fuh Huei-Ru228292008/06/12 20:20
by Huei-Ru Fuh
Can I increase the number of point when calculating DOS?Yonghong Zhao223592008/06/12 10:28
by Yonghong Zhao
bccFe, the Fermi level is error?Yonghong Zhao230282008/06/12 09:47
by Yonghong Zhao
The discontinue output data of "filename.tden.cube"?Fuh Huei-Ru133582008/06/11 11:38
by T.Ozaki
Problem about 'case.vden' fileYonghong Zhao123782008/05/31 13:04
by Yonghong Zhao
ghost states for PbA. Lusakowski245782008/05/20 22:40
by A. Lusakowski
electric transportarchy126362008/05/16 18:24
by T.Ozaki
Problem Openmx3.3Alejandro 126112008/05/16 18:19
by T.Ozaki
Not enough data for PAOMauro128862008/04/25 21:10
by Mauro
Exchange coupling parameterT. R. Chang129382008/04/03 23:51
by Ali Sebetci
surface bombardmentDenis Music226612008/03/13 15:42
by Denis Music
How to distinguish different spins in band structure by non-collinear DFT with spin-orbit couplingYun Li148582008/02/06 10:29
by T.Ozaki
MPI version: unequal load balance over multiple CPUs....Rob4105162008/01/19 18:52
by sutapa
About the calculation of magnetizationGunn Kim334452008/01/15 10:03
by T.Ozaki
Compiling MPI version of OpenMX with Intel compiler and MKLHeungsik Kim465062008/01/14 11:40
by Heungsik Kim
Geometry optimizationasaaravind130352007/12/24 21:54
by JH Parq
complex number in OpenMX codeH. Jeong227702007/12/24 02:14
by Vasilii Artyukhov
Orbital Polarization CorrectionA.Sebetci128202007/12/19 04:57
by T.Ozaki
Fermi EnergySumit Saxena124822007/12/18 20:36
by h. jeong
Atomic species definitionSumit Saxena293522007/12/18 20:25
by h. jeong
running openmx in backgroundSumit Saxena429852007/12/12 12:58
by Sumit Saxena
plotting band strucutre of cdteasaaravind025732007/12/06 18:38
by asaaravind
installation problem openmxSumit Saxena246682007/11/28 03:32
by Sumit Saxena
compile problem in IBM-merlin AIX5.2Zhu Xi132002007/11/22 17:08
by xiaohui qu
calculation Stopping at MD step=1 asaaravind125212007/11/09 13:54
by h. jeong
Electric transport with version 3.3Xiaobing Feng026562007/11/02 17:52
by Xiaobing Feng
Periodic boundary conditionsFlorian Rovere136142007/10/31 02:20
by Florian Rovere
the SCF steps is so much on each EF step....Liger Chen232202007/10/22 21:14
by asaaravind
One more question about the "Note on Recursion Methods"Yang Xu125352007/10/20 23:19
by T.Ozaki
Linking error with gcc on OSXDavid Benoit244782007/10/09 00:03
by David Benoit
Some questions about the "Note on Recursion Methods"Yang Xu234882007/10/07 15:42
by Yang Xu
OpenMX with icc10 / gcc4+gfortran4 / sunstudio12Pawel Lesniak036552007/10/03 07:18
by Pawel Lesniak
database, equilibrium constant and binding energyH. Kino029302007/09/26 16:00
by H. Kino
queation about DIIS ,H matrix.Liger Chen132852007/09/25 17:03
by T.Ozaki
Segmentation fault with scf.ProExpn.VNA=offMichele Gusso129492007/09/25 16:16
by T.Ozaki
How to re-start MD?Zhu Xi130362007/09/21 20:04
by Liger Chen
Problems about basis function MMQS111412007/09/01 18:41
by T.Ozaki
referencesAlejandro León127912007/09/01 18:37
by T.Ozaki
A problem with message ** On entry to DSTEVX parameter number 14 had an illegal valueMing-qiu Tan130542007/08/28 21:51
by jeong hogyun
I can't understand Primitive basis functionHansVanderVatt134002007/08/28 17:17
by T.Ozaki
Memory problemSei Ou027042007/08/22 17:10
by Sei Ou
Release of Technical Notes on OpenMX and ADPACKT.Ozaki026442007/08/20 19:36
by T.Ozaki
Release of OpenMX3.3T.Ozaki410802007/08/15 11:00
Problems with polB code in OpenMX3.2 versionGuang-Yu Guo135802007/07/30 23:39
by T.Ozaki
patch 3.2.4 has version tag "3.2.3"Rob334832007/07/27 18:14
by Vasilii Artyukhov
Effect of "Temp. Setting." on DOS Jooya136532007/07/26 00:36
by Vasilii Artyukhov
Library error for install openmx ..Liger Chen594422007/07/12 05:26
by Jonathan
geometry relaxationJessK337432007/07/06 06:10
by Vasilii Artyukhov
patch #3 and #4 of OpenMX Ver. 3.2T.Ozaki032732007/06/28 20:33
by T.Ozaki

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